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Are there any good retro PC game reviewers besides LGR, Pushing up roses, and ADG?
ResidentLeever: Are there any good retro PC game reviewers besides LGR, Pushing up roses, and ADG?
Well, there is Dos Nostalgia

Not much of a reviewer though, more of a presenter of old games and demos.

And TanRu Nomad

Which is similar to LGR but a bit more dry (production values wise).
Thanks! Mentioned elsewhere:
Kim (previously Kimble) Justice
Spoony Experiment (Noah Antwiler)
LemonAmiga & Lemon64 (playguides/reviews)

Other ones that have come to mind:
A bit of a forgotten gem is this dead (?) channel, AdventureReviews. Focuses on, you guessed it, P&C games. Pretty in-depth, good narration (so-so sound though) and an overall positive attitude.

Jordan Owen runs a pretty controversial channel and you can't subscribe to just the game reviews, but I think they are really good overall, even if a bit pretentious and melodramatic at times, and he's interested in more arty games as well. The "my favorite games" series is mostly retro PC oriented.

RetroAhoy (Ahoy) is a show with pretty good production values and a more TV oriented style. Personally I get annoyed with how he always sounds like he's reading a sci-fi horror novel or something, it's pretty over the top, but it doesn't seem to bother a lot of other people:
Post edited July 18, 2017 by ResidentLeever
The only reviewer I like is Mack/Worth a Buy. He often points out how he is one of the few, if not only, reviewers who is not a corporate Yes Man. I generally find that to be true. Big corporate reviewers (i.e. Gamespot, IGN) are all but guaranteed to give great scores to any and every single game published by a big company, because corporate reviewers are shills who don't want to risk damaging their relationships with big publishers by giving honest reviews.

Although sometimes Mack is way off the mark, like how he thumbed down Witcher 3 and thumbed up Fallout 4.

Even though he is wrong sometimes, I wish a whole lot more reviewers like Mack existed.

Maybe a few other reviewers are also good who I don't know about yet. I'll try checking out some reviewers who are listed in this thread.

I've watched some TotalBiscuit reviews and he seems to be reluctant to trash bad games which makes me perceive him as a slightly less shilly version of a corporate Yes Man type.

I can't stand GGG Man Lives because he always talks way too fast for no good reason, which makes listening to him aggravating (surely many other people must have told him to stop talking too fast?). And he is very obviously reading a script (just like the big corporate Yes Men also read scripts), which makes him come across as fake.
Post edited July 18, 2017 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
I like Battle(non)sense
- Really Good necode analysis, mostly for popular multyplayer shooters
Ancient-Red-Dragon: .And he is very obviously reading a script (just like the big corporate Yes Men also read scripts), which makes him come across as fake.
Yeah yeah, stick it to the man or whatever but the last part of your comment is pure nonsense.

It is about production my dear, instead of going on and on digressing and talking bollocks you write those bollocks down and produce a decent video.
Most reviewers/video producers worth their salt do that, don't be silly.

Anyway, based on your approach, I was going to recommend ACG , he is the most insane reviewer I've ever seen (as in the most transparent and honest, that go as far as buy every single game or hardware he reviews, if he receives a key or a hardware, he donates them to his Patreons and them buy another to do the review, that is fucking commitment).

But since you don't like people talking fast, maybe it is a pass?
(GGG isn't even that fast imo, but I'm into Yahtzee/Zero Punctuation so I'm not the best judge :P)

P.S.: I need/want to update the list with a bunch of marvellous stuff, but I'm feeling soooooooooo very lazy -.-
neurasthenya: P.S.: I need/want to update the list with a bunch of marvellous stuff, but I'm feeling soooooooooo very lazy -.-
Well, I for one would appreciate it if you did, and, ideally (another problem for lazyness), if you could describe or qualify them in one sentence. Because, well, I could check each link to get an idea myself, but, I'm feeling so very lazy. :-(

See, at this point, I check only two reviewers. Yahtzee for the fun (usually it's about games I have zero interest in), and TotalBiscuit for the info. What I appreciate a lot with TotalBiscuit is that he usually doesn't trash games he dislikes as some objective judgement, he points out why they didn't appeal to him, what aspects annoy him, but also how they may appeople, or not annoy, other people. So he's useful even to people who don't have the same tastes or priorities than him.That's how good reviewers should work (in gaming and also, even more rare, in cinema). That makes him honest and reliable.

But as his health apparently doesn't allow him to pop out reviews at the same pace as before, I'm looking for alternatives who function a bit in the same mindset. So, having such defining traits (or others) accompanying your links, to give an idea of why/how you consider them good, would make them very helpful.

In case you wish to bother with that.
Post edited July 18, 2017 by Telika
Telika: Well, I for one would appreciate it if you did, and, ideally (another problem for lazyness), if you could describe or qualify them in one sentence. Because, well, I could check each link to get an idea myself, but, I'm feeling so very lazy. :-(

In case you wish to bother with that.
Woah, that was some incentive haha, guess I will do it then!

I actually did that in another place, the links+descrpitions that is, I'll see if I still have it saved, I'll add some more and update it soon (and hope that it pleases and or helps).

Meanwhile, I think you would appreciate ACG (or Angry Centaur Gaming), as I've mentioned above he really is committed to the transparency and info, I think you wold really appreciate it.
Post edited July 18, 2017 by neurasthenya
neurasthenya: Meanwhile, I think you would appreciate ACG (or Angry Centaur Gaming), as I've mentioned above he really is committed to the transparency and info, I think you wold really appreciate it.
Thanks. I will check it out, even though the name doesn't exactly inspire confidence (so many "reviewers" seem less interested in providing info than in providing yet another angry-overacting-nerd-show, i learnt to run away from some key words).

Anyway looking forward to the expanded OP, if you find your file.
neurasthenya: Meanwhile, I think you would appreciate ACG (or Angry Centaur Gaming), as I've mentioned above he really is committed to the transparency and info, I think you wold really appreciate it.
Telika: Thanks. I will check it out, even though the name doesn't exactly inspire confidence (so many "reviewers" seem less interested in providing info than in providing yet another angry-overacting-nerd-show, i learnt to run away from some key words).

Anyway looking forward to the expanded OP, if you find your file.
hahaha, despite the name he isn't about that, much to the contrary, he is quite down to earth. I'm unaware of the origins of the nickname, maybe it was a forum or one of those early teen things. :P

Anyway, seems like I've lost the sodding file, but worry not, I'll do it just the same, just need a little time. >.<
I like videgamedunkey.He is very funny and his mass effect andromeda dunkview is the best.
neurasthenya: the last part of your comment is pure nonsense.

It is about production my dear, instead of going on and on digressing and talking bollocks you write those bollocks down and produce a decent video.
Pure nonsense? Silly?

What about this review, a token example of why scripted reviews are horribly fake:

Here are just a few ridiculous quotations that typify that whole review (emphasis mine):

...“knowing full-well you are in control, despite your relatively diminutive stature.”

“For a game that manages to handle complex systems in real-time with aplomb...”

"Nevertheless, when the controls seep into your sub-conscious, heroic displays of cunning, might, and fearlessness lend Aloy a super-human quality."

No one talks like that in real-life. The script writer(s) clearly heavily edited their original draft, after consulting a thesaurus and liberally replacing their original words as many times as possible, with whatever thesaurus words sounded the most fancy & pretentious. As a result, that scripted review inherently sounds way more like bollocks than would someone going offtopic in an unscripted review sound like bollocks.

Likewise, that scripted review (like most others) also sounds like bollocks because reading scripts credibly requires acting ability, and that script reader has none (nor do most other scripted youtubers). Any listener of that Gamespot review can easily hear the very bad acting that infuses every sentence.

Finally, If the reviewer really knew what he was talking about, if he really had expertise in the subject, then he'd be able to talk spontaneously off the top of his head just fine. Good Professors do exactly that all the time, every time they give lectures. If a game reviewer is unable to wing it for a review, then that bespeaks his or her lack of knowledge about said game, and also therefore his or her lack of qualification to offer a sound review of it.

Now, contrast that scripted Gamespot review with the unscripted Mack/Worth A Buy review of the same game:

Sure, Mack goes off topic all the time, but it doesn't matter, his reviews are still better than any scripted reviews. Because Mack's sincerity is self-evident.

In contrast, the Gamespot review makes self-evident that the script-reader doesn't believe any darn word he's saying....because he is just performing them, and they aren't even his own words! (and that still holds true even if he is the same person also wrote the script based on words he looked up in a thesaurus).
Post edited July 18, 2017 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
You're confusing fake with preplanned or literary. Lots of scripted reviews have more informal/simple language as well.

That said I prefer worth a buy's review in that particular case since it's a bit more in-depth and our tastes align more.
Post edited July 18, 2017 by ResidentLeever
ResidentLeever: You're confusing fake with preplanned or literary.
Falsity in expressing opinion does not depend upon it being scripted or spontaneous.
And is it possible to discern whether a speech is scripted by just listening to it?