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Breja: I don't remember his review exactly, but I remember not agreeing with any single one of his complaints. And the game definitely was not broken, I had no problems or issues with it whatsoever. It played perfectly, and was one of the more original and fun RPGs in a long time.
Reminds me of one of his reviews i watched where that same type of thing happened, and he either was blowing up on an isolated incident, or he was exaggerating a problem that might have been only present on say an alpha build.

Sorta one of the reasons TB doesn't cover early access and beta and games that aren't out, is that issues might get fixed or game-play completely change; Although he has covered early Alpha/Beta builds of some games before they usually show stuff that doesn't change much or i couldn't see a discernible difference vs the full game (Spaz for example).

As for AngryJoe... He seems like a nice guy you'd love to watch, but... something about it just grinds on my nerves. Maybe the evolution of his channel and persona he lost something important, like companies who grow too big too fast and think they can do no wrong.
Well, TB and AngryJoe have been mentioned. So I'll just put
Quill18, he's not really a critic, he mostly does playthrough of strategy games like Civ 5 and Paradox games. He does at times play through RPGs and sims.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by cw8
I just remembered, there is in fact another reviewer who's videos I watch from time to time, the MMO Grinder. I don't actually play MMO's, in fact I rather dislike the genre, but they are still a big and important part of the gaming industry, which is why I use his show as a way of keeping an eye on the MMO market. As I don't play the games he revies (with some very rare exceptions) but he does strike me as very proffesional and well versed in the topic. It's also very good to see someone so calm and rational among the "youtubers", who is not trying to be a internet celebrity, just do a good job.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by Breja
I like RE:roll.
I don't think anyone has mentioned him yet so for the sake of completion I'll put Al Russell out there, maybe you'll like his stuff.
VanDerBass: I don't think anyone has mentioned him yet so for the sake of completion I'll put Al Russell out there, maybe you'll like his stuff.
This is great! :D
neurasthenya: This is great! :D
Glad I could help :)
neurasthenya: This is great! :D
I'll second this; his videos are great.
neurasthenya: Also how could I forget to mention the best "Youtuber" that ever existed (may his soul rest in peace now :P) Fitzthistlewits

Just a taste of his really in-depth analysis (humour not suited for everyone)
Mr.Caine: Fitzthistlewits the greatest game critic there ever was.

R.I.P. you glorious bastard
Actually he's back on Youtube now on a different channel: MechaGamezilla, except now it's less scripted and instead of playing a character he's being more himself. In his Ouija Review he appropriately summons his Fitz persona and has a talk with him.

As for other critics, I have to throw my hat in with others and recommend Errant Signal, he has very academic reviews, and LGR, he manages to be both very informative and still funny.
Breja: It's a pity he does not seem to be doing any more reviews now. I don't know if he's just taking a break (he's still making tabletop-RPG vlogs), or if he's done with video game and movie reviews for good. Still, if You've never seen any of his stuff I heartily recommend it.
He hasn't stopped making videos, he's just lazy. If you're lucky he might put out one video every two months.

To be honest I quit on him a long time ago, during his FF13 review actually. He had very little of insight to say about, it was all just nitpicks, I hate that game and even I had to think: "Good God, move on. Could you be more petty?" with a lot of what he said. I understand it was probably for comedy, but it was less jokes and more complaining, and for some reason he thought that review warrented being an hour and a half long.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by DaCostaBR
DaCostaBR: Actually he's back on Youtube now on a different channel: MechaGamezilla, except now it's less scripted and instead of playing a character he's being more himself. In his Ouija Review he appropriately summons his Fitz persona and has a talk with him.

As for other critics, I have to throw my hat in with others and recommend Errant Signal, he has very academic reviews, and LGR, he manages to be both very informative and still funny.
I used to love his running gag of Mecha =/= Fitz, also some months ago he did a AMA on reddit, good stuff.

As for the ES, oh my, it seems right "up my alley". :)
Breja: It's a pity he does not seem to be doing any more reviews now. I don't know if he's just taking a break (he's still making tabletop-RPG vlogs), or if he's done with video game and movie reviews for good. Still, if You've never seen any of his stuff I heartily recommend it.
DaCostaBR: He hasn't stopped making videos, he's just lazy. If you're lucky he might put out one video every two months.

To be honest I quit on him a long time ago, during his FF13 review actually. He had very little of insight to say about, it was all just nitpicks, I hate that game and even I had to think: "Good God, move on. Could you be more petty?" with a lot of what he said. I understand it was probably for comedy, but it was less jokes and more complaining, and for some reason he thought that review warrented being an hour and a half long.
Little insight? He meticulously picked the game apart piece by piece, in what may well be his most insightful, analitical review. Maybe the first part was overly nitpicky, but after that it's a very well put together explanation of why and how the game fails on every level.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by Breja
DaCostaBR: He hasn't stopped making videos, he's just lazy. If you're lucky he might put out one video every two months.

To be honest I quit on him a long time ago, during his FF13 review actually. He had very little of insight to say about, it was all just nitpicks, I hate that game and even I had to think: "Good God, move on. Could you be more petty?" with a lot of what he said. I understand it was probably for comedy, but it was less jokes and more complaining, and for some reason he thought that review warrented being an hour and a half long.
Breja: Little insight? He meticulously picked the game apart piece by piece, in what may well be his most insightful, analitical review. Maybe the first part was overly nitpicky, but after that it's a very well put together explanation of why and how the game fails on every level.
It's been years since I watched it, but my memory of it was: character says X, cue five minute long rant.
Bumping with some updates in the OP.

If you're interested in Destiny, Halo, CoD, or at least interested in following the stories around them, there's BDobbinsFTW. By his own admission, he does get overly wordy with his extended rants and he does often get into "Beating a Dead Horse" and even Tinfoil Hat territory with his analysis of the situation with Halo, Cod and Destiny wtih respect to their business models. But he does make (IMO) a lot of well-reasoned, thought-out arguments about what Activision and Microsoft are really trying to do with their blockbuster AAA franchise shooters, and what consumers can do about it.

By far, the biggest draw for me is that he unceasingly takes a critical, pro-consumer stance in his videos, and he's not afraid to say the things than the Halo/CoD/Destiny fanboys don't want to hear. (Hell, he actually was pretty charitable to Halo 5, something I didn't expect at all.) (Stop Defending Destiny)
Post edited November 24, 2015 by rampancy
Great not only made me interested, also made me remember another one, Danny from Gamespot does the The Pointseries (and he did a episode on Destiny a while ago).

Going to update the OP. :)