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neurasthenya: Just a taste of his really in-depth analysis (humour not suited for everyone)
"We've done all our market research
And our findings show
That this game of chess could be around
A month or so
Maybe it's a bit confusing
For a game
But Rubik's Cubes were much the same
In the end the whole world bought one
All were gone
By which time we merchandisers
Had moved on"

Was the first thing that came to my mind upon seeing that video.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by InfraSuperman
high rated
ne_zavarj: Just ignore these " critics/reviewers " :

Angry Joe
Giant Bomb
Jim Sterling
That was both useless and completely non-informative. If you are not going to bother mentioning why people should ignore them, don't bother posting them at all.
On the in-depth analysis front, I'll second "Errant Signal". He (Campster) doesn't make a lot of videos (it's not his day job, as far as I know), but they're always well-thought-out.

Even less prolific is his compatriot Shamus Young, who is primarily a blogger, Escapist columnist, and -- along with Campster -- LPer in the "Spoiler Warning" analytical "let's play" series; he does the occasional video too, though, and his recent entry in his resurrected "Reset Button" series is quite good.
Angry Joe, i know people dismiss him thanks to his "angry" persona but he's spot on with his critics.
neurasthenya: Great stuff so far you guys! :D

rtcvb32: Zero Punctuation/Yahtzee -

JimQuisition/Jim Sterling -
neurasthenya: These two in particular definitely I think aren't suited everyone. And in my b̶i̶a̶s̶ opinion I feel that sometimes people can't look past the humour or style or format of the content, specially Yahtzee since the majority of people don't seem to read his column and/or just assume he doesn't like anything and just rant about games. And yeah, with is Jim persona either you love or hate it.

Also how could I forget to mention the best "Youtuber" that ever existed (may his soul rest in peace now :P) Fitzthistlewits

Just a taste of his really in-depth analysis (humour not suited for everyone)
Fitzthistlewits the greatest game critic there ever was.

R.I.P. you glorious bastard
neurasthenya: Also how could I forget to mention the best "Youtuber" that ever existed (may his soul rest in peace now :P) Fitzthistlewits

Just a taste of his really in-depth analysis (humour not suited for everyone)
hmmm i don't like him.... I'll probably never watch another of his videos.
Cyraxpt: Angry Joe, i know people dismiss him thanks to his "angry" persona but he's spot on with his critics.
Far from it. He even put Alpha Protocol on one of his "worst of the year" lists. I mean come on, his opinion on anything is basically worthless after that ;) His angry gimmick is somewhat bothersome, as his videos are supposed to be serious reviews, not comedy like Spoony's, but what made me dismiss him were actually his vlogs. The way he shouts and behaves like a crazy manchild in those is what really made me stop taking him seriously. I mean really, these are video games and movies he's talking about, I can get pretty passionate about those too, but what he does makes him look almost mentally unstable. The way he went apeshit over the casting of Lex Luthor in the Batman v Superman movie was almost sad to watch.
rtcvb32: hmmm i don't like him.... I'll probably never watch another of his videos.
I see what you did there (?)
neurasthenya: I see what you did there (?)
??? And what did i do?

edit: Guessing based on on the RIP comments, you're reading my comment wrong. I didn't mean to add any humor, just stating i didn't like his videos. Coincidence with him possibly being dead was not pun-intended (or whatever you might suggest).
Post edited February 08, 2015 by rtcvb32
Ahoy (Informative, good production values, smooth voice)
Did You Know Gaming (Informative, good production values)
Game Dungeon (Accursed Farms) (Informative, funny, bizarre)
JonTronShow (Offbeat and dark humor, since he left GameGrumps his production values shot way up)
Lazy Game Reviews (Informative, sometimes funny, interesting)
Super Bunnyhop (Informative, pretty in-depth)
TotalBiscuit (Informative, hilarious, probably the most honest I've seen)
Cyraxpt: Angry Joe, i know people dismiss him thanks to his "angry" persona but he's spot on with his critics.
Breja: Far from it. He even put Alpha Protocol on one of his "worst of the year" lists. I mean come on, his opinion on anything is basically worthless after that ;) His angry gimmick is somewhat bothersome, as his videos are supposed to be serious reviews, not comedy like Spoony's, but what made me dismiss him were actually his vlogs. The way he shouts and behaves like a crazy manchild in those is what really made me stop taking him seriously. I mean really, these are video games and movies he's talking about, I can get pretty passionate about those too, but what he does makes him look almost mentally unstable. The way he went apeshit over the casting of Lex Luthor in the Batman v Superman movie was almost sad to watch.
Not sure what's the problem, i'm watching his review and he shows what's the problems with the game, sure, i didn't played Alpha Protocol (well, i did play 1h maybe) but if what he says is true then yeah, i agree that the game is broken and deserves a bad score, it's not a good dialogue system that will save the game.

As for his persona, well, let's be honest, it's what sells, the same thing for those youtubers (ex. pewsomething) that scream at everything that happens on the screen. *Light goes off* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Flips keyboard and hides behind the chair* "THAT WAS SO SCARRRRRRYYYYYYY", kids laugh and subscribe.
Eh, i already get used to it and i can imagine me having the same reactions to some of the stuff he goes through, again, in Alpha Protocol having to shoot 50 times and miss... 80% (?).
neurasthenya: I see what you did there (?)
rtcvb32: ??? And what did i do?
hahaha, I thought that you joked about the fact that he doesn't do videos anymore xD
neurasthenya: hahaha, I thought that you joked about the fact that he doesn't do videos anymore xD
Yeah i just came to that conclusion myself.

It was purely coincidence, i assure you.
Cyraxpt: Not sure what's the problem, i'm watching his review and he shows what's the problems with the game, sure, i didn't played Alpha Protocol (well, i did play 1h maybe) but if what he says is true then yeah, i agree that the game is broken and deserves a bad score, it's not a good dialogue system that will save the game.
I don't remember his review exactly, but I remember not agreeing with any single one of his complaints. And the game definately was not broken, I had no problems or issues with it whatsoever. It played perfectly, and was one of the more orignal and fun RPGs in a long time.

Cyraxpt: As for his persona, well, let's be honest, it's what sells, the same thing for those youtubers (ex. pewsomething) that scream at everything that happens on the screen. *Light goes off* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Flips keyboard and hides behind the chair* "THAT WAS SO SCARRRRRRYYYYYYY", kids laugh and subscribe.
Eh, i already get used to it and i can imagine me having the same reactions to some of the stuff he goes through,
The thing is, it really didn't seem to me like he was "in character" or something in those vlogs. I really don't think that was an act. Or maybe he has played the "Angry Joe" for so long he can't turn it off. Either way, he comes off as frothing at the mouth doofus. ANd I'm not being a "hater or anything. I actually enjoyed his performances in the crossover movies he made with Spoony and some other reviewers, and I'm sure he can be a perfectly nice guy in private. He just does not have much credibility as a critic/journalist (he is also notoriously poorly prepared for his interviews) in my eyes .

Cyraxpt: again, in Alpha Protocol having to shoot 50 times and miss... 80% (?).
Never happened to me. I don't know, maybe he used a gun his character wasn't skilled with or something, because for me that was just not true.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by Breja
The problem with Angry Joe now (I used to like and was subscribed to is channel) is that things became too much focused on him rather than his "stuff". When he does reviews, it's alright he explains his opinions, he does his "funny stuff" and that's okay. Nowadays it's all pretty much the "Angry Army", Angry Rant, Angry Joe plays this, Angry Joe does that, it lost the focus on games and become much more about his person/persona. Although to be fair, we can argue that most of the YT content is driven by that personalities behind the work, only in this case I've never found his personality attractive at all and today I think it's too much, to the point of getting in the way of the content. But that's just me.
Post edited February 08, 2015 by neurasthenya