1. Persona 4 Golden - all the goodness of Persona 4 with... well, with more Persona 4. Quite aside from being *the* best RPG for me, it's also the best example I've seen of 're-doing' a classic game.
2. Xenoblade Chronicles - For 2 weeks, this consumed my life. I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I sat there staring at the screen until someone came along and kindly picked my jaw up off the floor for me. This alone was a reason to own a Wii.
3. Persona 3 Portable - No, the Persona games are not the same thing rehashed each time. They are all different games with similiar mechanics. The Portable edition wins out over the FES edition for making combat better, including an entire new story path for a female protagonist, and for having extra songs. And for being portable!
4. Dragon Age Origins - I've lost count of the number of times I've played this. This game would win if it was purely about number of hours sunk into a game. It doesn't get old.
5. Mass Effect 2 - As much as I love all the Mass Effect games, this one wins out for it's structure, pacing, and especially it's characters.
Honourable mentions go to Planescape:Torment, Final Fantasy IX, Baldur's Gate II : Shadows of Amn, Witcher 3, and Guild Wars 1+2 (there's more than enough single-player story content in those games to qualify, even if they're MMO-style games)