Xanadu Next
A wonderful, brilliant journey from start to finish. I initially didn't have too much hope for this title, picked it up mostly because it was from the same dev as the Trails series, but... damn. Gameplay is polished to a sheen, the story isn't complex but it's unique and well written, the art style is beautiful and musically it's a complete treat. It's a masterpiece, definitely among the best games I've ever played.
Plot-wise the devs really dropped the ball at the end, but it's otherwise a pretty solid game: endearing characterization, fun and diverse mechanics, outside boss fights its difficulty is quite consistent even as you gain new skills, and with the exception of one frustrating and annoying boss fight, they're also well integrated into the general mechanics of the game: you'll still be hiding and stalking your way to victory. Also, don't care what anyone else says: Yamiko is the cutest thing ever.
The Flame in the Flood
It looks great, plays even better, it rewards preparation and forethought but a random string of bad decisions can still wreck your life and make you fear for your life. Just like a good survival game should be.
The description of Pharaonic being a "2.5D Dark Souls" is technically accurate but it doesn't reflect the sheer polish of this game's combat, and the removal of a dimension of movement just makes combat even tighter. Simply put, I like this game even more than the actual Dark Souls, nevermind all the various other copycats.
Anima: Gate of Memories
Remember those action games from the late-PSX to early-PS2 era? this is one such game, nevermind its 2016 release date. Its gameplay mechanics lack many of the "niceties" we've come to expect in a post-DMC and post-Dark Souls world... but that's exactly why it's so refreshing. Now, it's not a masterpiece by any means, and voice acting ranges from bad to "oh God my ears, why!?"... but I do honestly think it deserves more attention and better reviews than it's enjoyed so far. Curse you, Internet.
Honorable mention:
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
I really didn't want to put this in here, seeing all the attention and gushing reviews it's currently getting all over the 'net, but... yeah, completely deserved, and if you have any interest in the genre, you owe it to yourself to get this. Come on! there's even a demo if you shameful heathen are still unconvinced. Join the cult! we have cookies.