dtgreene: There are some RPGs I've played where it's possible to deal an order of magnitude more damage than you have HP to a normal enemy, in a typical situation, without killing the enemy.
BreOl72: Why shouldn't it be possible to deal much more damage than you have HPs?
Depends on the weapon used, no?
And if the enemy survives that "magnitudes more damaging" blow, you're probably glad, that you can deal out that much damage, right?
It just gets ridiculous when the scale is so lopsided. In Dragon Wars, for example, there's a combination of two items (a weapon and a quiver) that allows a character to regularly deal 60+ damage, as well as a weapon that deals 1d100 damage, in a game where you're likely to reach the end with less than 20 health, and strong enemies can routinely survive those amounts of damage, yet an enemy breathing for 14 damage to the party could be a party wipe. (Note that the particular enemy that has a breath attack that powerful is an enemy you are meant not to be able to kill.)
Or SaGa Frontier 1, where your characters are limited to 3 digit HP, yet you're routinely dealing 4 digit damage. Furthermore, it happens that SF1 has confusion and charm effects, and when a party member is confused/charmed, you can get situations like this:
* Charmed party member uses DSC on another, doing over 10,000 damage, which is rather excessive on a character with less than 1,000 HP.
* Confused party member using an attack like MegaWindBlast or MillionDollars on the party, hitting everyone for 4 digit damage; that's an instant party wipe.
(I note that SF1 came out in the period where Square didn't really care about game balance (see Knights of the Round and Orlandu for other well-known examples), but is probably the only one of those games where that balance can work against you in a dramatic fashion. Fortunately, you can save and quick-save anywhere outside of combat, so the party wipe isn't particularly punishing.)
BreOl72: If I
(respectively: my enemies) have several million HPs, so we can take several "3 million damage" hits before we die - what does it matter?
I mean, where's the difference to, say, both of us having 134 HPs instead, and we're dealing out 30 damage per blow?
Wouldn't it essentially be the same?
And if they want to go with ridiculously high stat numbers? - All the power to them, for as much as I care.
Cavalary: What ToxicTom said, large numbers are much harder to read. And calculate.
If I have 134 HP and took 30 damage, I can quickly see that I can survive three more such hits.
If I have 7045050 HP and took 1577250 damage, brain has a much harder time seeing that it's the exact same thing. (And those are still pretty round numbers.)
But what if you have 7.0450e6 HP and took 1.5772e6 damage? Is that still an issue, or is that manageable? (Worth noting that I did have to count the digits when writing this.)
Or, what if you have 7,056,050 HP and took 1,577,250 damage? Is that any easier?
Notation really does matter here when the numbers get really large. There's a reason that a symbol like a comma is used to group digits in large numbers, and a good reason that scientific notation exists, and these are numbers that aren't too big to come up in scientific fields (particularly astronomy).
BreOl72: Sure. That's a given. That's also why I said, such large numbers are ridiculous.
Especially if - game-mechanics wise - the numbers do exactly the same - whether they are huge or small.
I'd argue that, when numbers get huge, order of magnitude differences become much more common, and that does have an impact on the gameplay.
Warloch_Ahead: Here's a question: How much damage does a bee sting deal, and how many bee stings does one need to suffer before they hit 0 HP?
This is against bare flesh. No armor, no vehicles, no clothes, no mecha suits.
Perhaps the answer is this:
* Damage: So low, in comparison with HP, that it rounds to 0.
* How many stings to die: Infinite, because the target's HP doesn't change when taking damage, as the amount of damage is smaller than the difference between floats for the target's HP.
Yes, floating point numbers (which many incremental games use, especially those written in JavaScript) have their quirks, and this is possible when numbers get big. (Somewhere around 2^53 or 2^54, x = x + 1 becomes true, even though that's mathematically impossible.)