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Best video game remake I've ever played was REmake on the Gamecube (yes, I'm aware it's been remade again since then -- haven't played that one). That's a clear Type 2. Other remakes I've played have been decent, but nothing really made the game live again like that first Resident Evil remake.
Post edited July 04, 2019 by Crisco1492
kai2: IMHO Type 0 often seems lazy and a nostalgia money grab.
Do you realise that you're talking about most old games GOG has released? ;-)
Depending on the game, Either Type 2 or Type 3. Updated textures are called "HD patch", not "remake".

Type 2 is what I prefer for action oriented games. Changing the genre of a first person shooter (or racing sim, RTS, etc.) seems kinda stupid, for example. So I'd say Type 2 for these genres.

A good Type 3 example would be Final Fantasy VII. I'm totally in for a Type 3 remake here! Why? Because a "normal" FF VII remake won't work at all... Let's be honest:

- The ATB system didn't age very well. You spend 99% of the battles keeping the OK-button pressed to perform normal attacks. Their animations are fast and you don't have to chose anything from the menu. That's something you start pretty early in the game. Normal attacks even become the best damage dealers when you get the 2x-Cut materia (later leveled to 4x-Cut). Yes, I know, there's still Knights of the Round - but that one takes an eternity to cast. And there's the Mime/Limit trick, which is almost so powerful that I'd count it as cheating *lol*. But 4x 9.999 damage with a normal attack? It's the best way to get rid of most mobs! But it's effin boring, too... Updated graphics won't make the battles more interesting. Anything that brings more "action" is a good thing. If I want the original, I play the original (which I do very often).

- The whole feeling of the original game will be gone due to the modern graphics. Just one example: Remember Barret shooting walls all the time when he was angry? That won't work with modern graphics! Back in the 90s it was the best way to show that Barret was seriously pissed. Nowadays he'd look pretty stupid, shooting at random walls while he's talking to the rest of the party. And its not only Barret... Every Character had his/her quirks in the original game. A shitload of tiny details that won't work with modern graphics anymore. All the characters will turn into their Advent Children-versions. You can't prevent that. And then there are all these funny moments, like Hojo wearing his lab coat at the beach... It was funny with the limited possibilities of the original game. It'll look totally out of place in the remake (would work great with Hellsing-like anime graphics). The whole game will feel different because of how different the personalities of the characters will be.

So... Staying close to the original would bring us boring battles (except when you're fighting Emerald and Ruby Weapon) and characters that need to see a shrink ASAP. I don't want that. Better they forget everything that made FF VII great in the 90s and try to do something that'll work today. The original is already available as a Type 1 remake (ported to new OS, added auto saves, tried to fix the sound and the graphics...), we don't need another one like that.

ps. I'm not saying what they're planning for the remake is good. I'm just saying that I think that FF VII needs a Type 3 remake, because everything else won't work.
kai2: IMHO Type 0 often seems lazy and a nostalgia money grab.
teceem: Do you realise that you're talking about most old games GOG has released? ;-)
Except, as you said, it's old games re-released. No one claims that this is remake.
teceem: Do you realise that you're talking about most old games GOG has released? ;-)
LootHunter: Except, as you said, it's old games re-released. No one claims that this is remake.

Don't they fit the description? Does it then matter if they're called re-releases or remakes?
Post edited July 04, 2019 by teceem
teceem: Does it then matter if they're called re-releases or remakes?
For me it certainly does. If you call some game a "remake" there should be something that was remade there in comparison with original. Dark Souls: Remastered, for example, is definitely a cash-grab, as it's nothing more than original Dark Souls with a patch.
teceem: Does it then matter if they're called re-releases or remakes?
LootHunter: For me it certainly does. If you call some game a "remake" there should be something that was remade there in comparison with original. Dark Souls: Remastered, for example, is definitely a cash-grab, as it's nothing more than original Dark Souls with a patch.
But we were specifically talking about "Type 0", not remakes in general, or remakes of a specific game. GOG has released a lot of old games "with a patch". They don't call them "remasters" and I con't consider the prices exorbitant, but the post I replied to called them "money grabs" anyway, just because they're "type 0" games.
Post edited July 04, 2019 by teceem
Crisco1492: Best video game remake I've ever played was REmake on the Gamecube (yes, I'm aware it's been remade again since then -- haven't played that one). That's a clear Type 2. Other remakes I've played have been decent, but nothing really made the game live again like that first Resident Evil remake.
The Resident Evil 2 REmake is supposed to be really good as well. Never played it though.
DadJoke007: The Resident Evil 2 REmake is supposed to be really good as well. Never played it though.
It's definitely a lot more different from the original than RE is from v1. But I don't really care about the OP's focus on "mechanics" in Type 2 & 3.
I would like better graphics, sounds, bug fixes and improved controls.

Restoring cut contents, if it exist.
low rated
Crisco1492: Best video game remake I've ever played was REmake on the Gamecube (yes, I'm aware it's been remade again since then -- haven't played that one). That's a clear Type 2. Other remakes I've played have been decent, but nothing really made the game live again like that first Resident Evil remake.
DadJoke007: The Resident Evil 2 REmake is supposed to be really good as well. Never played it though.
It looks like a PS3 game and should have been made in that era.
Really depends on the game.

I recently beat System Shock Enhanced Edition, it's an awesome game and 'remake'. It cleans up the controls and makes the game smoother on modern operating systems with a higher framerate. A remake that falls under this category.
Spectre: It looks like a PS3 game and should have been made in that era.
If that's your opinion, fair enough. The Witcher 3 looks like a Nintendo 64 game.
kai2: IMHO Type 0 often seems lazy and a nostalgia money grab.
teceem: Do you realise that you're talking about most old games GOG has released? ;-)
GOG isn't selling remakes.
kai2: GOG isn't selling remakes.
Did you miss the part where I called it semantics and explained why?