Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption. After having lost my first love (to a more competent guy), 3d class junior high, this game made me cry; hard. Also, the day i went to buy this game retail, it had been a parade day, national celebration. The shop i bought it from was on one side of the parade road and by exiting the shop, i happened by her together with her friends, they attended as spectators. I shut up and run away.
GTA 1. Playing it with cousin and friends of mine. Those were the days! Niggaz rapping, pedestrians wasted and run over by cars, missions completed... This game started me on Rap and Hip Hop! When it was out, it was only then that this music genre started appearing here, from local artists.
Diablo 2 LoD. Still is my best action RPG hack and slash fest. None of its clones or crappy sequel made me budge away from it, even for an inch. On the contrary, anything else coming after it, made me angry, because in comparison to it, they were pretty sh*tty. I liked its concept of physically slaying demons and devils, that era i had been very religious and stuff.
Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge. My first game, along with Diablo 2 above, that got me hooked in multiplayer/lan/internet play, back in the day. Bermuda Triangle, 1 ally, myself, and 6 brutal enemies, with superweapons activated... My favorite strategy title up to date. Like diablo above, anything else coming after it, made me seriously angry. I liked it, because it was one of the VERY FEW GAMES, that allow you to murder American and European people, even less that allow you to do that as Russian, Iraqi or Korean army. I loved devastating the forces of Europe and America, oh god, i always had the main enemy as American army. I played mostly as Russian and Yuri forces. I savored this game as stress relief, during major real world offenses, such as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. I always hate it that i am allied to first rate murderers, warmongers and criminals of war plus human rights (tortured captives in Iraq etc etc), while no one asked me if i want to be, or if i prefer others.
Vampire Bloodlines. God, i loved this game. It reminded me of the real society, minus all fantasy elements, of course. How everyone tries to deceive you, milk you for a favor, sell you out, turn you into a personal lapdog, betray you or exploit you to work for them free. The subterfuge, persuasion, intimidation, social skills, honestly rocked me. I have yet to encounter a game so great and so colorful like this one... My first game played in a laptop. At summer, too; first area Santa Monica matched in perfectly...
GTA San Andreas. My favorite of the series. I loved its realism; corrupted policemen who ARE the crime instead of fighting it, minorities getting racist edges, drug dealing, ghettos in one place and rich folk in the other, car racing, prostitutes and car banging and the most hilarious, dating and faqing 6 girlfriends simultaneously... Add this to the fact you can drive/pilot anything, and it was great. This game in and by itself, is my single fondest gaming memory of them all. The only GTA i bothered to finish 100%. I liked the focus in details, its polish and perfection. And the countless easter eggs, or silent tributes, such as the Hydra DMA logo...
Post edited January 26, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7