DaveyDarko: In 1981 I purchased a Sinclar ZX81 kit for $99.99 through mail order from an ad in the Scientific America magazine.
Gede: How much would that be, in today's $?
I started with a
386 SX, 16 MHz
VGA graphics card
100 MB hard drive (SCSI, oh yeah! :-)
5.25'' and 3.25'' floppy drives
12" CRT monitor and a dot-matrix printer
(No turbo button, but there was a key-combination to lower it to 8MHz. Yes, some games ran too fast at 16MHz.)
It came with DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.0.
Oh, the joys of juggling EMS and XMS memory. :-D Kids this days are spoiled. They can't even know what a CONFIG.SYS is. :-P
The first game I saw in it was Prince of Persia. I thought that PC games were much better than the ZX Spectrum games I had played before.
I then got a Pentium Pro, around 1997. I no longer have the 386.
Not sure how much that would be, when I was 10+ every summer I earned money hoeing soybeans and detassling corn. I couldn't afford the ZX81 already assembled so I ordered the kit which I had to solder all the parts in to the board myself.
My 386sx ran @ 20MHz, I worked at Gateway at the time and I actually designed part of the motherboard (i have a vivid memory of a horrible trip I had to make to Austin,TX to check the first boards to come off the production line at TI), and even with my employee discount it still cost me $2200 in '91. I think I still have it around, although not all together, had upped the mother board to a 486 later.
I first used a PC, with DOS, in 1985 when I went to college, that was also my first intro to UNIX too (and some mainframe OSes too like Prime and VAX).