tamablenebula: My first PC was second-hand, and given to us by my uncle. I can't remember the brand, but I remember you had to load the OS from a disk (5 1/2 inch floppy disk, no less!) every time you turned it on, that it ran WordPerfect (this was the main reason we had it), and that it had so little RAM it would crash if you typed too fast.
My dad got an Apple 2 in the 70s, but if you count my own first one, I think it was a 286 that ran Windows 3.1. I became a gamer for life when I played Doom (the first one) and then the gold box SSI games on it. Good times. It had a 250 mb hard drive, which seemed huge but worth it because that was the point at which drives cost $1 per megabyte, or less for bigger ones. That was back when Moore's Law was in effect and upgrades seemed necessary every two years.