phaolo: Liking P&C and disliking LA is quite an oxymoron!
Are you one of those that apreciate things as far as they remain a niche? :P
But whatever..
This kind of attitude doesn't help convince me.
I like good games, and I like good P&C titles. I have not liked any of the LucasArts P&C titles I have played. I'm not convinced they are the masterpieces of P&C gaming that everyone goes on about, any more than I am convinced that the Star Wars films are great movies.
It has nothing to do with how popular a title is. It has to do with my tastes. I know it's inconceivable to some gamers that someone wouldn't care for the LucasArts games, but you're talking to one.
If you can't respect my opinion and need to find some kind of excuse instead to dismiss it, then don't bother talking to me. Because I'm not being offensive to all the people who do like these games.
EDIT: Sorry, I'm not trying to bite your head off. I just think people need to respect other people's tastes in gaming, without rendering some kind of absolute judgement like "this game is the best ever of its genre, and something is wrong with you if you don't think so".