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Ingsoc85: Any release of the first Monkey Island (and the second as well) would be of the special edition which allow you to switch to the classic game at any moment but still used the updated audio (sans the speech in MI 1).
Honestly I would be incredibly disappointed if they released the special editions because I wouldn't say I dislike them but I prefer the original ones floppy editions. I'm not sure what mi2 se is based on but mi1 se is definitely based on the cd version and as far as I'm concerned I want the floppy edition because that's what I played and it has the stump joke and text inventory because to me the floppy version in 256 colours is the definitive version although playing it in EGA or Hercules green could be fun.

As for MI2SE well I mean i guess its the same but why not have the original floppy version instead as an option (one day I will get an MT-32 I hope :) ) oh and I was disappointed in MI2SE when I got up to the bone song..... That said the developer commentary was absolutely fantastic.

Anyway in general I want to see all the Lucas Arts adventure games and then I'm happy. Oh and Loom better be the EGA version not that new fangled VGA thing that looks weird. Are there many instances of gog releasing multiple versions of the one game other then Rune Gold and Rune Classic?
I think one of the first Disney games I ever owned was Disney's "Coaster", probably one of the first coaster simulators, SimCoaster came out along with its series. Since then (and that was long ago) I think one of the best coaster simulators I've ever found was NoLimits, hands down. It would be cool to see that Disney Coaster resurrected too.
The Monkey island & Indiana Jones adventure games! + Grim Fandango:P

I guess Disney acquirings all the rights actually starting "working" on them!
Post edited October 26, 2014 by Sorapak
craig_ethan_123: What about Lego Marvel, that is Disney is it not.
The question is, what about all the other Marvel games? I'm wondering what the chances are that we'll get The Punisher (2005) or Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. I absolutely love The Punisher (it's IMO much better than Max Payne, despite an inferior technical execution) and I never got a chance to play the latter, although I've been meaning to ever since I first heard about it. The Punisher was published by THQ, I'm wondering where the rights to the game ended up after it went bankrupt. Until a while ago the game was also available on PSN (maybe still is in some regions), so it shouldn't be impossible to get a re-release of the PC version.

Maybe GOG could even figure out a way to get the Punisher game by Microprose here. I'm sure both parties, the one owning the game and the one owning the franchise, are signed now, so there should be a way for GOG to negotiate a re-release.
Post edited October 26, 2014 by F4LL0UT
Only got the news after a few days of internet-withdrawal. One thing is certain, the GOG wishlist will never be the same after this! Congratulations to GOG for landing this deal! Chapeau!
Call me weird but I really want Desktop Adventures (Indy and Yoda Stories).
And Star Wars Rebellion \ Supremancy.
EnforcerSunWoo: Just foundout something incredibly strange, Disney might own the rights to Stubbs the Zombie. Would be an interesting release with the other games that Disney holds the rights to.
I bought retail disc here in Poland, and it was released by CD Project (here it is in CDP site).
Actually same thing goes for Suffering I and II pack.
Post edited October 26, 2014 by Novotnus
I have a feeling.....

When this new publisher joins GOG, that many of us are going to cause a spike in the NASDAQ charts.

What was the most memorable moment playing one of the LucasArts games? For me, it was the background music in Full Throttle, the song from Chitlins, Whiskey and Skirt. (
Novotnus: Call me weird but I really want Desktop Adventures (Indy and Yoda Stories).
And Star Wars Rebellion \ Supremancy.
EnforcerSunWoo: Just foundout something incredibly strange, Disney might own the rights to Stubbs the Zombie. Would be an interesting release with the other games that Disney holds the rights to.
Novotnus: I bought retail disc here in Poland, and it was released by CD Project (here it is in CDP site).
Actually same thing goes for Suffering I and II pack.
Hmm, interesting. I like the Disney Infinity ad overlaying the entire page with the violent images of Stubbs the Zombie in the middle. It is quite amusing.

Well, maybe if enough people vote for Stubbs the Zombie on the wishlist, it will be released here. Disney owned Wideload before they decided to shut them down (remind you much of another developer that they also purchased?). The game apparently was on steam, but got pulled for unknown reasons (perhaps licensing because of the Disney buyout).

Maybe not, Aspyr is listed as publisher yet. Maybe it is one of those games that is in licensing hell.
Post edited October 26, 2014 by EnforcerSunWoo
Not a Star Wars fan here *ducks*

But sure as hell I want the Monkey Island and Indiana Jones games, especially Emperor's Tomb and Infernal Machine.
JDelekto: What was the most memorable moment playing one of the LucasArts games? For me, it was the background music in Full Throttle, the song from Chitlins, Whiskey and Skirt. (
Hector: Oh Manny... so cynical... What happened to you, Manny, that caused you to lose your sense of hope, your love of life?
Manny: I died.
Post edited October 26, 2014 by Novotnus
JDelekto: What was the most memorable moment playing one of the LucasArts games? For me, it was the background music in Full Throttle, the song from Chitlins, Whiskey and Skirt. (
Novotnus: Hector: Oh Manny... so cynical... What happened to you, Manny, that caused you to lose your sense of hope, your love of life?
Manny: I died.
That would probably increase my level of cynicism too. :)
Ganni1987: Not a Star Wars fan here *ducks*

But sure as hell I want the Monkey Island and Indiana Jones games, especially Emperor's Tomb and Infernal Machine.
And this in multiple languages. Would be awesome!
JDelekto: What was the most memorable moment playing one of the LucasArts games?
The beginning of The Secret of Monkey Island.
JDelekto: What was the most memorable moment playing one of the LucasArts games?
PixelBoy: The beginning of The Secret of Monkey Island.
I hear that! Sometimes I feel as if my game play will fall short after watching the opening intro!
Don't remember if it is Disney's, but certainly, the old game for Dos, Lion King.

Then, Monkey Island Bounty Box (monkey island 1 and 2 original classics for dos and win95).

Monkey Island 3 (the curse of monkey island).

Monkey Island 4.

Monkey Island 1 and 2 remake.

Hell, i would buy all these INSTANTLY! The moment i see them here in GoG!