amok: The only thing I wish is that gOg will not drip feed the games with 1 release per week over the next 2 years....
My bank account actually hopes for just this. Or rather one release per month, since there are so many instabuy candidates, I just can't afford them all (not even with one game a week).
But I think they will probably make release bundles (i.e. X-Wing series, Monkey Island series, Dark Forces series, Grim Fandango ser... uh wait...), otherwise it really will take years to release everything.
As for my wishlist, this really is a tough question. I own a lot of the games in some physicial form already (most are German Amiga or PC versions). Still it would be easier to tell which games I
wouldn't buy.
My top 3 most wanted games are probably:
- Loom (The talkie version! Only have the Amiga version and always wanted to have this one)
- Jedi Outcast (My CD died on me... my favourite game from the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series)
- Zak McKracken (had the C64 version, but that was 25 years ago)