Posted January 03, 2016
The game looked good, the box with the extras (a great artbook, soundtrack cd, a ~15cm tall Carnby figurine) looked great, the price was very nice for a limited edition with so many extras but ultimately the whole game sucked. Sucked as in f***-you-dear-customer-DRM. In the end, I gave away the game to a friend and the extras to another friend. It was after that purchase that I started to be more cautious with DRM.
On topic. Almost certainly not the best or worst, but anyway:
Best: Star Wars: The Best of PC
€20 for Battlefront, Empire at War, Jedi Outcast, KotOR and Republic Commando. Absolutely worth it just for the last two.
Worst: A Farewell to Dragons
€5 might be a cheap price, but not when you can't run the game at all. :P
Will update if I remember something better/worse.