Smannesman: A loop would've been better in the batch file, like with a 'net send' (I think that was it at least) command.
More nerdy than ballsy though.
Tallima: This is true. But it felt better knowing that they could have gotten out of it with a little patience, they just didn't. Muhahahahahahahaha!
For the most part, I was a good kid. But I pulled some shenanigans from time to time.
That was some classic defiance.
One July 4 my friend David and I got some fireworks. We took them out of the city limits to a large undeveloped lot and set them off in a fun but harmless way. Some guy who lived in the area came after us with a shotgun, so we got out of there fast. Once we were safe we agreed to come back the next night with a larger stash of ordnance, and this time we'd aim them at his house. Which we did. Out came that guy again, and he just started screaming and shooting. We were dressed for a night op, so no way he could see us. Still we took cover (didn't want to rely on luck) and walked away when he was out of ammo.
I still enjoy the thought of that b******* cleaning his weapon and talking to the walls about how he hates those stupid kids.