xman1: I have replaced so many computers during my upgrade that disappointed me, that I would be far more happy to have given it to a stranger... My last one was an 3700X and a 2700 RTX. All wasted as I don't think anyone is even using it. One previous to that was an i5 and a 970 GTX and I am sure that one was sold to buy a Surface tablet... Ugh.
I am done giving away systems to people that don't appreciate things. Would be happy going forward to give these things to complete strangers.
Heh. My computers always get
lots of appreciation from me. I bought my first one in 1996 or 1997 with money from my first after school job during high school.
Including that one, I have only ever owned
three computers, and one of the three I used until it literally died on me when capacitors on the motherboard began to fail.
In all three cases, I have gradually upgraded every component I could until I couldn't go any farther. The restriction in every case has ended up being the motherboard, and I get to the point where to upgrade any more I'd have to replace the mobo, which would end up requiring me to replace at least one other major component (typically the CPU and GPU) as well.
This is where I am with my current roughly 15-year-old system. What the motherboard will accept is limiting me on any further system upgrades, and as has been the case almost my entire adult life, I don't know when I will be able to replace the entire system. My disposable income is limited, especially since I keep having to make fairly significant repairs on the car I'm almost done paying for.
At least I have recently learned that refurbished systems are much cheaper than they once were (years ago, refurbs were almost as expensive as new systems), so what will probably end up happening is instead of buying a new system, I will replace the 15-year-old one with one that is probably in the range of four to six years old. Still out of date, but a big step up from where I am now, and far more affordable than buying or building an all new one with more recent components.
I'm hoping to be able to do this by the end of the year.