.Keys: Thank you very much for the info!
Allow me to ask, why you haven't listed your preferred versions of FF4, or there are none? (I really don't know and it got me curious.)
dtgreene: (4 has the drawback of not having much replay value, as party selection and character builds are dictated by the game and its plot, not by the player.)
.Keys: Or you just despise FF4? :P
It's more that I've played FF4 so much over the years, due to not having access to other entries (1 NES has only 1 save slot, and 2, 3, and 5 were Japan-only until well after their original release), combined with the lack of build flexibility (you *always* have the same party at any given point in the game), that causes the game to get stake.
Other early FF games allow for some build flexibility, or let you choose the mixture of classes you're using, allowing you to try different builds and combinations on repeat playthrough, so those games don't go stale the way FF4 does when you've played it too many times.
As for my recommended versions:
* For a first playthrough, I'd go with the Japanese SFC version fan translated, or with the PS1 version. You get all the original content and difficulty, which is lacking in the US SNES release, and the difficulty is lacking in GBA and later 2D versions.
* For a repeat playthrough, I'd go with a 3D version. The DS version is the one to play if you want a challenge, as it has a feature (Rydia's Whyt summon, and minigames to boost its stats) that's not present in later 3D versions. On the other hand, later 3D versions offer a lower difficulty option, and without sometimes the game is a bit too much. The big thing with 3D versions is the augment system, which provides at least some build flexibility, at the cost of introducing permanent missables into the game.