Oddeus: Yep, all evil people jump from a cliff. Hello, peace in the world!
Well, by the definitons of what was stated, you thus created a world in which only you exist.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Well, i am at odds with the world and i got a tiny little glimpse of a special perk or two. Nothing grand, spectacular, or awe inspiring of legends... I can control only myself and even if i could control somebody else, i still wouldn't. Loss of freedom is the penultimate transgression. People acting not by their own accord but at the behest of others, is miserable, broken and too sad, to become a valid source of entertainment (or "leverage" of any kind). True fools abolish freedom by their own will, true oppressors remove it by force from others.
Reverse psychology rarely cuts it, but mirrorring can sometimes catch others off guard; problem is, it is a bit too situational and if you cannot overwhelm the other person's trait(s), then it is actually a waste (and *ends* you up jeopardized/trapped).
If you are at odds with something you can't win against, just let it go. Too much "power" (tension? motion?), especially when gathered somewhere, explodes abruptly or devours something slowly, from within. If you cannot defeat power with more power, then defeat power with a bit of brains. If all else fails, smokescreen and hit the road like there is no tomorrow. Sometimes, removing a valid target right before a critical moment is reached, instantly ends whatever dispute, prevents a clash effectively.
And who knows? Maybe there is no tomorrow, either way. LoL
Seems you're the first to get the point of my thread. Fundamentally, i'm asking, in a roundabout way, a question someone asked me before: "If it meant you were in control of morality, would you be a tyrant, or would you prefer everyone had freedom even if it meant they would most likely disagree with you?" The question clearly comes from the story of Jesus' temptation by Satan. It's also fundamental to modern politics. You can see who the tyrants are by their answers.
Cavalary: Heh, I am at odds with the world, just without any powers...
But to answer the question, mind control is an extreme intervention, and punishment, only acceptable in case of the most heinous crimes. So it'd be wrong to use it on people in general, but I'd use it on those who do commit such crimes, yes... And there are sadly plenty of them to keep me busy even so, I guess, and do a fair bit of good even if the world as a whole would keep being steered by people in general full speed ahead in the wrong direction, as it now is, and has generally been throughout history...
And you seem to understand even better. Your take is much, much more nuanced: realizing that there may be times where it is acceptable, with the understanding that there's more than just good deeds, but sometimes the good deeds are what is necessary. However, where does one draw the line? What would you have to hold yourself in place to prevent becoming a tyrant?
Timboli: All people should be able to live their lives as they see fit, so long as they aren't negatively impacting others.
So any great power I had, would be just used to ensure that and punish the deliberately wicked.
If you do more than that, then really you are no different to all those politicians who have tried to impose their own personal agendas on their society and even the world.
An exception maybe, would be to put the Earth first, that would be my agenda outside the other I mentioned. But I don't really see that as an imposition on anyone anyway, except maybe the rich, who in all reality don't deserve their riches, not at the expense of others. There is way more than enough to go around, and to serve both humanity and the Earth.
So what makes you the arbiter of who is deserving of what? Are you expecting equality of outcome, rather than equality of opportunity?