Avast, me Hearties! By the bell it be a monkey's hair under 14 1/2 hours before the Letters of Marque containing the keys to the Booty be awarded. (Getting down to the last chance to enter. Giveaway closes at midnight UTC September 18th)
We've a fine fair few entries, with most of ye Grog-sloshed seadogs qualifying to captain yer own ships in pursuit of the treasures. Welcome to new Brethren faces, and greetings to returnin mateys! I be impressed by the entries, and especially impressed by those buccaneers whose home seas don't speak the guvnor's english (non-native english speakers) but spin a creative tale or insult.*
Thankee also to those landlubbers, the barkeeps, songsters and shipwrights (non-entrants) who contribute yon pirately tunes, portraits, trivia and insults (Youtube songs, pics, pirate-related facts) to inspire and flat out challenge our Brethren to even greater deeds.
*I do know the pirate speak can be hard for non-native speakers, so would like to especially thank you all for just being in the spirit and contributing what you can of pirate themed tales, songs, etc for a celebration of International Speak Like a Pirate Day. Hopefully the links at the bottom of the first post can help somewhat.
Aye, and we be thankin Cap'n Cross (ciemnogrodzianin) fer that link to the Insult Generator and musical inspiration again! Ye be keepin that fine
ship ye came upon last year in port then?