Wishmaster777: "Muh virtue signalling. I am such a golden boy. Look at me. Look at how decent human being I am. There is a conspiracy plot against me. They are out there, trying to get me. They are quite obsessed with me. They are hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike with the (-) button. I swear, if mods don't do something about it, it will be my doom."
Calm down, boy.
At least I don't go into other people's threads just to insult them and frame them a certain way for no good reason.
As to my complaints: I don't think is a conspiracy perse, but I obviously am not just imagining the blanket low rating on everything some can find written by me.
It is also
common decency to treat people(especially in their own threads and giveaways) with respect,
not just those we like on a site. And from seeing some threads where I talk games/media and act 100% civil and
I am the only one downrated in some threads you can bet your b*tt I see it as people just trolling me for laughs(which is against the rules itself).
Look at your replies here: I run a contest to give a game I like to people who might also like it to be nice, and you came here not to say something nice but to seemingly frame me a certain way and throw around borderline insults under the guise of being helpful.
(Now please, I would appreciate it if you stopped insulting(framing) me or derailing this thread any further. If you have issues with me keep them to PM or report stuff you dislike to staff)