I wish you all the luck in the world, and have very little advice to offer:
Somewhere around a decade ago, i decided for the hell of it, to quit drinking pop (soda / fizzy / carbonated soft drinks), and the result was that i lost 20 pounds in two weeks.
After those two weeks, i quit smoking.... and my weight evened out, and stayed that way
four months later, i started drinking pop again, and gained twenty pounds in two weeks.... and then i started smoking again, and evened out once again
So, something that may help your endeavors is to start smoking, or quit drinking pop / soda (if either are applicable)
I am in a similar boat. im 5'11" and 290 pounds.... im certainly out of shape, but not considerably so. i can still walk miles, and im the guy everyone calls for manual labor (helping people move, pushing cars that get stuck around this house, etcetera... some of my weight is definately in muscle) ...... had i the money, i might take this idea and run a similar setup for my own weight loss... however, with my current income, there'd be much more motivation from recieving, rather than giving, lol.
I wish you the best either way!