Pheace: Really enjoying the game so far, the breaching mechanic's a great addition.
Ixamyakxim: Did you play Phantom Doctrine? Is it similar to that? I LOVED the breaching mechanic in that game - so great the breach and clear from multiple entry points.
I did play it, also a fun game. It's not exactly the same since you're not actually walking around and then just decide to breach a building, you breach at the start of every encounter and you have 2-3 encounters one after the other, each with a breach in between, which can differ between doors/electric doors, blasting through a wall or going in through a vent, things like that (some requiring items or character abiltiies to use). Different points come with different bonuses and your units can have talents that can be used during a breach as well. When you enter it's not entirely full automatic like in Phantom Doctrine, you slow-mo into every character and decide target with typical XCOM hit/miss chances. Some units will be surprised, others alert or even dangerous (meaning they'll either do nothing or fire back).
There's also different kinds of utility items you can equip to effect the breach.