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EBToriginal: Skipping terror from the deep to make a half hearted redux of apocalypse is lame.
Fenixp: It seems like a theme of global resistance fighters, which Apocalypse was quite far from.
I saw a city with humans and snake people so in my heart I hope beyond hope that they pull a deep silver and radically alter the entire direction of the game from the trailer to actual product.
Ixamyakxim: What's the big deal with the Snakemen? Just that they were in the originals? Or is there some other aspect of them I'm missing (implied plot point / storyline I'm not familiar with).
They were an alien type from the 1994 game.
Though they looked better in the original; back then they were serpentine, but still looked like aliens.
Here they are just a terrestrial snake with arms.
Fever_Discordia: Nuh-ur you forgot GTA 1969 and GTA 1961! :-P
skeletonbow: Didn't forget about them, they're expansion packs for GTA rather than standalone games. I left out the expansion packs for GTA4 also.
My 1969 comes on a separate CD that was purchasable and playable stand-alone i.e. you could play it if you didn't even own GTA 1 (1961 is a free expansion for 1969 though)
Seems a fine line between counting 1969 as an expansion but VC and SA as separate games...
Great news to start the week with!

I loved XCOM and it's expansion was brilliant!!! I have played hundreds of hours... day 1 purchase no doubt about it!
Oh man, I still didn't had time to play EU and EW :(. Shame on me...
The trailer is awesome and all that, but i would rather see some real gameplay.
Also want to know if this game will have a DRM free variant.
I hope the Snakemen get paired up with Chrysallids again. It made a lot of sense in X-Com, since the Snakemen were asexual and produced 50 eggs apiece. Perfect for creating a new generation of warriors, with the rejects being used for multiplying the Chrysalid horde. At least, that is how I imagine things to be...
Solei: The trailer is awesome and all that, but i would rather see some real gameplay.
I think they confirmed to be showing gameplay during E3. May be mistaken about it though.
It’s probably fair to say that a multi-platform franchise going PC exclusive is virtually unheard of! Usually they go the other way around.
Sabin_Stargem: I hope the Snakemen get paired up with Chrysallids again. It made a lot of sense in X-Com, since the Snakemen were asexual and produced 50 eggs apiece. Perfect for creating a new generation of warriors, with the rejects being used for multiplying the Chrysalid horde. At least, that is how I imagine things to be...
Hated and feared Chrysalids in the 1994 original. Eventually, I just MCed the lot of them at endgame and they became my scouting bitches.
Steam only??? No thanks.
I'm still waiting for the first XCOM to be available on
Welcome back, commander.

Get hype!
Does anyone know if Mr Julian Gollop will be on board, please?
Solei: The trailer is awesome and all that, but i would rather see some real gameplay.
Also want to know if this game will have a DRM free variant.
Never will.