CthuluIsSpy: Cult of Sirius.
Raiding them was fun. I fought them more than I fought the aliens xD
I should really play apoc again.
Are there mods for apoc, like for the earlier games? The steam version isn't quite stable.
Yes Cult of Sirius!!! That was them!!!!
Only a dead member is a good member! ;)
I really liked to use them to level up my soldiers ;)
I only found it funny that no matter how often I raided the, no matter how much they were in the red: They always had goodies to pinch and still members around!!!!
Sometimes I raided them the whole day, didn´t matter, still goodies and members around.
Once, I swear, by mistake I damaged one of the producing companies quite heavily (Rocketthrower blew up quite a bit of their rather fragile building ;) ) it took weeks before they were back in full production....
Fenixp: Oh it was a terrible idea, I also couldn't properly read english when I was playing the game back then, so I didn't notice :-P
I must admit, my English wasn´t so good either, but looking at the math, it was becoming obvious :P Yes I made once a blowup of the city as well. taking my fighters and blowing up whole blocks ;)