nightcraw1er.488: My thoughts exactly. £500 for a console,
plus £80 a game, not that there is anything interesting currently. Must be mad to buy them.
jamyskis: Mad? I'd say anyone who pays that for a console or game is absolutely fucking certifiable given that pretty much every shop out there sells the consoles for £300 and NEW games for £40 a piece (I actually pick most of mine up for less than half that because I buy a lot of stuff a few months down the line).
I picked mine up for €450 (about £350) a year and a half ago, and that was with three games bundled with it (Knack, Killzone and inFamous).
Shadowstalker16: I think the OP should get a WiiU. Think about it.................
-Street Fighter
jamyskis: Eh?
As for Bayonetta 1, most people would probably be better off playing that one on PS3 or X360 - the Wii U versions have become obnoxiously rare with people charging ridiculous amounts for used copies. Glad I picked it up when I had the chance.
It goes without saying that the Wii U is worth it for B2 though. Also Wonderful 101 for Platinum fans.
Thats very expensive, New PS4 games here are 55-60€ max, some even clock in at 45€.