De4thstroke: Never played any of the X games. If I wanted to start, which game would you reccommend?
I don't have much experience with the X game myself but I have 40 hours in X rebirth and I recommend you approach that game with caution.
First, it is quite easy to get into. There are some mechanics that take getting used to but from my experience, I found the learning curve wasn't too steep.
However, it's quite obvious the game isn't finished and the main campaign is broken. The game doesn't always explain things clearly and I've encountered several bugs in the campaign, including a game breaking bug where I can no longer buy fusion reactors because the stations inventory is filled with other crap so they can no longer produce them.
Boarding and being able to walk around the stations is a good idea on paper but it's easily the worst parts of the game. You also have to be careful about stray shots hitting friendlies. I couldn't board a station because a few stay shots turned them hostile towards me.
It seems to me if you approach the game like you would Freelancer, you might have a better time with it. However, with the campaign currently broken and the only objectives in free play are the ones you set for yourself. This might be okay for some people but it isn't for me.
These are only a few of the problems. IMO X Rebirth could have been a great game and I still hope Egosoft can get it fixed. Like I said, it's easy to get started with and there is fun to be had in the game, but when the problems with the game start to wear on you, you may want to move on to a different game.