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OK, Now This is Just Plain Stupid!!!

I Just Started The SAME Game Everything Turhed Red in the Last Time I Launched my Ship, In That Same system, and Everything Stayed BLUE!!

Seems to me Something is Brokebn In The Rep Programing...

That Makes Two Times an Entire Race has Changed Just By Activating My Ship Commands.
The First was when I Planned To Dock At That House of Light Command Center, and now thi one Yesterday.
RDouglass1: I Just Started The SAME Game Everything Turhed Red in the Last Time I Launched my Ship, In That Same system, and Everything Stayed BLUE!!

Seems to me Something is Brokebn In The Rep Programing...
There is the occasional glitch, but I've played the game for years and believe me when I say there's usually a reason for these things.

What system are you in and what is your rep with the owning race?

Are you carrying any illegal goods? Scanning any friendly ships without having a police license?

lazydog: For everyone else who have failed to miss the point

EGOSOFT are about to release a new game that will be steam exclusive.
They were pretty adamant about their exclusive support for Steam ever since X3:AP, way before their games landed on GOG... which was after the whole Rebirth flop.

I only ever had their games as retail copies - up to X3:TC. Ever since the "Terran War Pack" landed on GOG, which to be honest was a complete surprise to me, I've started playing X3:AP. If they won't release X4 on GOG, tough luck for them, I'm not going to buy it anywhere else :).
Post edited October 07, 2018 by WinterSnowfall
WinterSnowfall: There is the occasional glitch, but I've played the game for years and believe me when I say there's usually a reason for these things.

What system are you in and what is your rep with the owning race?
I suspect a Glitch but who knows??
Rep = Argon 12% and Split 24% (Trading That area now to Raise Both...
Probably if I Sneeze, Either will Start Shooting.

WinterSnowfall: Are you carrying any illegal goods? Scanning any friendly ships without having a police license
I Try To Never Carry anything I know is Illegal. I Got Scanned Three Times Passing Through one system, and just thos am, I got Scanned TWICE Moving from One Base to another in the same system...

I Do't Think I have scanned any ships, at least not in recent days.

Does the Police License Change Rep Ratings Much?? and with Who?
I Have been Looking at that on a station in this area, but have not Committed to getting it.
Post edited October 07, 2018 by RDouglass1
RDouglass1: Rep = Argon 12% and Split 24% (Trading That area now to Raise Both...
Probably if I Sneeze, Either will Start Shooting.
The percentage you are seeing is the progress you've achieved so far in reaching the next rep level. I was asking what your current rep level is - each race should have a "title" for you (ex: Shameless creature).

RDouglass1: Does the Police License Change Rep Ratings Much?? and with Who?
I Have been Looking at that on a station in this area, but have not Committed to getting it.
The Police License does not change rep at all - quite the contrary - you need a certain rep level in order to be able to purchase it.

However, if you have a freight scanner equipped and attempt to scan a ship belonging to the race whose territory you are on (or a ship friendly to said race) without having a Police License purchased from that race you will be fired upon since that is considered an act of piracy.

-> with a Police License -> OK to scan everyone, you are checking for contraband and are on lookout for illegal goods
-> without a Police License -> you're treated as a pirate who is checking out to see if freighters are carrying valuable cargo and are worth attacking
Post edited October 07, 2018 by WinterSnowfall
Under My Pilott Spec's I see:

Combat - Greenhorn
Trade - Financier

I am In Aladna Hill
When I Click on Stations, I See:

Argon Trusted Ally.
Under pilot stats in the menu.
RDouglass1: *snip*
They mean these:
x3rang.jpg (256 Kb)
Good viperfdl, I do not happen to have the game installed here since an OS reinstallation. A picture is good in cases like this.

Let me add to this, that those names for the different levels of notoriety are super annoying and hard to learn. I installed a mod (leads to all achievements OFF, if you care) that tells me in numbers how much it really is. I love the many small mods there are for these games
Post edited October 08, 2018 by Themken
RDouglass1: *snip*
viperfdl: They mean these:
This is what I Posted earlier
Rep = Argon 12% & Split 24% (The Two Races that I See Mentioned in that area when I Dock or COMM With Ships.)
Specs under Pilot Statistics.
Financier - 58%
Greenhorn - 20%
Argon - Trusted Ally - 19%
Boron - Trusted Curier - 89%
Splid - Comrad - 24%
Paranid Priest - Confederate - 79%
Taladi - Shareholder - 36%
Goner Believer & Terran Citizen I have Not Yet Encountered.
(Still trying to do some Trade For $$ and Some Explore.)
Can Anybody tell me where I can Find:
Mobil Drilling System
Repair Laser
Tractor Beam

?? Thanks.
RDouglass1: Specs under Pilot Statistics.
Financier - 58%
Greenhorn - 20%
Argon - Trusted Ally - 19%
Boron - Trusted Curier - 89%
Splid - Comrad - 24%
Paranid Priest - Confederate - 79%
Taladi - Shareholder - 36%
Goner Believer & Terran Citizen I have Not Yet Encountered.
(Still trying to do some Trade For $$ and Some Explore.)
Looks good. I'd buy up all the Police Licenses I can find - they're not expensive, can save you a lot of trouble and you'll also get a bunch of credits when shooting down pirates if you have them.

RDouglass1: Can Anybody tell me where I can Find:
Mobil Drilling System -> Teladi & Paranid space
Repair Laser -> you're stuck with the one in your space suit as far as the vanilla game is concerned
Tractor Beam -> Paranid space
Post edited October 08, 2018 by WinterSnowfall
Thanks WinterSnowfall; I did just Buy Two Police Licenses.

I am scouting one system that had Two Ships Off in a Corner, I Commed with them, and The Pilots told me they were looking to Sell Their USED Ships...
Might Be Junk, but I bought them both.
I Turned to Leave, and Realized they were Floating in Their Space Suits....
I went back and Rescued them, and took thek to the Nearest Base... LOL!!

I am In Pardnid Space now, and just found the Drilling System. Will keep my Eyes Open for the Tractor Beam.
Thank You.
Post edited October 08, 2018 by RDouglass1
A picked up pilot turns into a slave once inside your ship IF you have cargo life support system installed, otherwise it just dies and disappears.

Deals on used ships... can be good, rubbish or alright after repairing them. You can sometimes get a model not sold anywhere by buying a used ship. Do not leave them just floating in space but send them somewhere using the command console/auto-pilot.

You seem to be on friendly terms with everybody except the Xenon and possibly not the pirates.

Never bump into the gates as that angers the sector owners.
Themken: A picked up pilot turns into a slave once inside your ship IF you have cargo life support system installed, otherwise it just dies and disappears.

Deals on used ships... can be good, rubbish or alright after repairing them. You can sometimes get a model not sold anywhere by buying a used ship. Do not leave them just floating in space but send them somewhere using the command console/auto-pilot.

You seem to be on friendly terms with everybody except the Xenon and possibly not the pirates.

Never bump into the gates as that angers the sector owners.
I Think I did install Life Support on This Freighter...
I did send the Ship to Next Sector for Repairs, and Up Grades.
Pirate went Down The Tubes when I Bought The First Police License...

I am lerning how to send ships for Remote Mining of Asteroids, and Plan To Set Up This Hauler I Just Bought To Remote Buy/Sell In This Sector...