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Crewdroog: OH LOL

I had a feeling you didn't, but I have had stuff like that happen before, so that's why I was like "excuse me". It's cool! Hahaha, I did get a little wound up, but seriously the bold was for people to see instantly, not shouting. I was sick of hearing about the child murder and other crazy. :)
Glad we sorted it out. ^^
Tbh, I'm kinda sick of the thread now too. Wish we could remove or lock threads that served no meaning anymore.
Post edited August 26, 2015 by Ghostbreed
Crewdroog: oh if he means what i think he means, he's done crossed the line.
Ghostbreed: Oh god no! I didn't mean that kind of bleeding.
The God of comedy hath not forsaken me.
Crewdroog: OH LOL

I had a feeling you didn't, but I have had stuff like that happen before, so that's why I was like "excuse me". It's cool! Hahaha, I did get a little wound up, but seriously the bold was for people to see instantly, not shouting. I was sick of hearing about the child murder and other crazy. :)
Ghostbreed: Glad we sorted it out. ^^
Tbh, I'm kinda sick of the thread now too. Wish we could remove or lock threads that served no meaning anymore.
Well, we can always discuss the weather. or favorite movies? oh i know! We can throw grenades at each other! *pulls pin and launches grenade at Ghostbreed*
Ghostbreed: Oh god no! I didn't mean that kind of bleeding.
Titanium: The God of comedy hath not forsaken me.
That´s because you didn´t DAAAANCE.
Titanium: The God of comedy hath not forsaken me.
LoboBlanco: That´s because you didn´t DAAAANCE.
I love you?

Crewdroog: *pulls pin and launches grenade at Ghostbreed*
Crewdroog: *pulls pin and launches grenade at Ghostbreed*
Ghostbreed: MY LEG!
OH NO!!! what have I done??? I'll go fetch the doctor!!
Crewdroog: OH NO!!! what have I done??? I'll go fetch the doctor!!
Crewdroog: This is MY doctor!
Now I'm jealous!
And also hungry...
Post edited August 26, 2015 by Ghostbreed
Lin545: Hehe, I used to love Grimm fairy tales when I was young. While true, that aspect was really good masked and gave somewhat good examples for youth about what is good and what is bad. Yes, they were very popular in Russia and ex-USSR.
hedwards: You should read the Wizard of Oz series. Baum was trying to create children's books that weren't so bloody, but the first book had the story about how the tin man became the tin man and it's every bit as gruesome as the Grimm fairy tales.
Yes, that book too. And then special one, hardly available outside of ex-ussr block, but phantastic for children. Masterpiece, comparable to Oz. "Незнайка в Солнечном городе" by Nosov - "Ignorantkid in the city of sun". There is even part two - "Незнайка на луне", "Ignorantkid on the moon". Its still untranslated, a hidden gem. One needs to look at scans of illustrations from that book.
Navagon: It's aimed at kids. Most of those who've heard of it (myself included) learned it at an early age. I think it's supposed to teach kids about loss or something.
Strange, here it is an old people song, sung by performers who only 50+ people listen to.
hedwards: You should read the Wizard of Oz series. Baum was trying to create children's books that weren't so bloody, but the first book had the story about how the tin man became the tin man and it's every bit as gruesome as the Grimm fairy tales.
Lin545: Yes, that book too. And then special one, hardly available outside of ex-ussr block, but phantastic for children. Masterpiece, comparable to Oz. "Незнайка в Солнечном городе" by Nosov - "Ignorantkid in the city of sun". There is even part two - "Незнайка на луне", "Ignorantkid on the moon". Its still untranslated, a hidden gem. One needs to look at scans of illustrations from that book.
There's plenty of children's books like that, I just thought it was an interesting example because he thought the violence was a problem and then proceeded to have one of the most violent stories of all time in the book.
hedwards: You should read the Wizard of Oz series. Baum was trying to create children's books that weren't so bloody, but the first book had the story about how the tin man became the tin man and it's every bit as gruesome as the Grimm fairy tales.
Lin545: Yes, that book too. And then special one, hardly available outside of ex-ussr block, but phantastic for children. Masterpiece, comparable to Oz. "Незнайка в Солнечном городе" by Nosov - "Ignorantkid in the city of sun". There is even part two - "Незнайка на луне", "Ignorantkid on the moon". Its still untranslated, a hidden gem. One needs to look at scans of illustrations from that book.
I read the Wizard of Oz when I was about 12 years old and I was excited by this Baum novel. Dorothy, Scarecrow, cowardly Lion and other are typical types of human nature. Regardless this novel was written for children, I think that it special philosophy and will be useful for adults.. The scarecrow which has no brains but want to get them, the coward lion which want to become brave..They pass through the terrible and dangerous experiences to get their dream..and at the end they found that they already have all they want..
Love it so much that even asked to my boyfriend to develop a game which is connected to this novel .. love ot for the unusual design regardless i don`t like to play such games.
I thought Easter was the one about necromancy?!? O___o