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A german song for children to bring them to sleep:
<span class="bold">Schlaflied</span>
Crewdroog: THis is not about the loss of a child.
Titanium: So you're saying a youtube video about just that wouldn't be factually accurate?
yes. whoever made that video is a moron.
Reminds me a bit of this song, both being sort of like teenage tragedy songs.
Crewdroog: jesus.
Bleeding much?
Crewdroog: jesus.
Ghostbreed: Bleeding much?
excuse me?
Crewdroog: jesus.
Ghostbreed: Bleeding much?
Careful you don't cross the line.
Ghostbreed: Bleeding much?
Titanium: Careful you don't cross the line.
oh if he means what i think he means, he's done crossed the line.
jamotide: First of all why would you think it is a childrens song?
It's aimed at kids. Most of those who've heard of it (myself included) learned it at an early age. I think it's supposed to teach kids about loss or something.
Titanium: Careful you don't cross the line.
Crewdroog: oh if he means what i think he means, he's done crossed the line.
Well, I wouldn't judge him too harshly.
Crewdroog: oh if he means what i think he means, he's done crossed the line.
Titanium: Well, I wouldn't judge him too harshly.
that's totally why I said "excuse me". it's easy to misread something, so i just wanted clarification. :)
Titanium: Careful you don't cross the line.
Crewdroog: oh if he means what i think he means, he's done crossed the line.
I didnt say anything, lalala!
Post edited August 26, 2015 by Soccorro
You can tell the Americans in this thread.

We grew up with this song. I didn't know there was anything controversial about it when I was five. Same for "The Ballad of John Henry" or even "Tom Dooley". It's just how we roll, I guess.

USA - home of the murder ballad.

[EDIT] OK - I just watched the video and now I get the source of the confusion. The video has it all wrong - the song isn't sung from the perspective of the father of a small child - Clementine is not a child, she's of marriageable age, and the song is sung from the perspective of her lover, who eventually falls in love with Clementine's sister. Yeah, that video is pretty messed up - changing the perspective of the narrator certainly puts a whole new spin on it, doesn't it? lol.
Post edited August 26, 2015 by yogsloth
Titanium: Careful you don't cross the line.
Crewdroog: oh if he means what i think he means, he's done crossed the line.
Oh god no! I didn't mean that kind of bleeding. I don't even know your gender...
I meant you cried tears of Jesus' blood because you were so furious over this thread.
I'm not Pewdiepie.
Post edited August 26, 2015 by Ghostbreed
Crewdroog: oh if he means what i think he means, he's done crossed the line.
Ghostbreed: Oh god no! I didn't mean that kind of bleeding. I don't even know your gender...
I meant you cried tears of Jesus because you were so furious over this thread.
I'm not Pewdiepie.

I had a feeling you didn't, but I have had stuff like that happen before, so that's why I was like "excuse me". It's cool! Hahaha, I did get a little wound up, but seriously the bold was for people to see instantly, not shouting. I was sick of hearing about the child murder and other crazy. :)
sasuke12: The end of the song is the real WTF.

"I miss clementine my daughter but when I hug her sister, I forget about her"

Now I know why people have more than one kid. If they loose one kid, they always have another one to rely on. They forget about the one they lost.
Hugs?! No hugs, just kissing.