Cavalary: Probably shouldn't answer for another, but seemed to me that Tauto was wary of SSDs and was wondering whether he'll be convinced otherwise, yet there were some posts here that confirmed the concerns and it wasn't a question of the benefits outweighing them, so as long as he wasn't convinced that there was really no risk of what he was worried about, that was that.
GameRager: I can see that being the case...I sometimes ask questions I have my mind made up on irl/online as well.
And then getting angry as people are mostly of different view than you?
It's one thing to stuck with your opinion, it's another thing to go all I don't give a f.
He asked, got the answers, and if he still wants to go with his original choice then that's his life. No need to get upset about it.
Shows how uncertain he is about the choices.
Trooper1270: Maybe they fell out of bed during the night, and woke up in the morning stuck in the gap between the bed and the wall ?.
Tauto: Just sick of the know all experts in this place that offer smart arse comments.
you asked for advice from knowledgeable people.
So you did.