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In fact I do on a regular basis.

We need spiders, especially where I live.
Spiders are the only arthropods that I don't instantly kill in my house. They get a reprieve for killing said other arthropods.
I would lock the door, and go and wash me with the garden hose :P

Yeah, I'll probably try to catch and release it, but I'll be sorely tempted to kill it with hellfire if it's a brown recluse.
Overall I'm pretty creeped out by them, but only when they dash in my general direction, because like snakes they move way too fast than seems permissible by the laws of physics :P

Oh yes, and I hated this bit :
I knew there were small ones, ever since the first Great Wall of China level, but I didn't expect there too be gigantic ones.
Post edited April 15, 2016 by Matewis
Matewis: Yeah, I'll probably try to catch and release it, but I'll be sorely tempted to kill it with hellfire if it's a brown recluse.
Overall I'm pretty creeped out by them, but only when they dash in my general direction, because like snakes they move way too fast than seems permissible by the laws of physics :P

Oh yes, and I hated this bit :
I knew there were small ones, ever since the first Great Wall of China level, but I didn't expect there too be gigantic ones.
Yeah, definitely depends on size and speed... I don't really mind web building spiders, but we get pretty big hunter spiders here that are fast as lightning and freak the hell out of me (particularly as they usually appear in the bathroom, and there's nothing worse than sitting on the toilet or standing naked in the shower watching a giant spider crawl around the room and not be able to do anything about it)

That being said, if a spider bothers me by being there I pretty much always catch it and release it outside.
Daddy long legs however get hoovered up because they are evil hell spawn.
Here there aren't many spiders and they're minuscole anyway.
If I find one inside the house, I just take it and put it outside.

Why do people hate those harmless Daddy long legs ? O_o
Post edited April 15, 2016 by phaolo
Usually I kill spiders on sight. While I appreciate that they kill other pests I've personally had allergic reactions to spider bites before and I'd rather not find out the hard way if any of my kids inherited said allergy.

That said, I've spared spiders (or spider like) that I know to be relatively harmless - like daddy long legs. I kill black widows with extreme prejudice though - lots of bug spray, smashing with a shoe, lit on fire then flushed down the toilet.
Death is too good for them, they must suffer as I have suffered and be made to play Daikatana.
Definitely rescue. Always rescue all spider from despite my wife will. She gives me 30 sec to save him before she smash it :)
Nuke them from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Joking aside, it depends on their size. I generally trap and release, but if they're known to leave a bad bite as one European immigrant steadily making its way around the country is known to be, I douse with spider nerve poison.
When possible I try to catch them and throw them out. But if I can't easily catch it, yeah, I'll squash it.

You see, I'm terribly afraid of spiders. Terribly, irrationally afraid. Which is why I prefer not to kill them. I feel bad about killing something out of irrational fear. It's wrong. But if I can't catch, and otherwise it'll escape and I'll know that it's somewhere in the house, It'll drive me bat-shit crazy. So if for some reason I can't safely catch it and throw it away, I'll smash it. Either way, I always feel like Sam after fighting Shelob afterwards. Getting close to those things takes a lot out of me.
This is for the blessed arachnid lovers. The rest of you evil people stay away! :P
Post edited April 15, 2016 by tinyE
Absolutely save the spider.

They kill all the bad bugs in your house.

Unless it drops down and lands on my face...then it has to die.

I even rescue scorpions. I dunno where the come from but thankfully they're usually already dead when I find them.

Centipedes I cut into small pieces before flushing them down the toilet. AND EACH PIECE STILL MOVES...justifying my irrational fear of centipedes.
save the spider and leave it alone
Nothing to do with the topic... is your new forum "title" some kind of vendetta declaration against the GOG staff?