Spider is not a bug, but an arthropod. Its main job is to construct traps (spider nest) for bugs and pests and catch them up. Spiders are one of the natural pest control systems of nature. I generally avoid killing or ousting them. Besides, me myself, i am no stranger to convenience relationships for my own benefits, he he... No spider locally is poisonous either, so all the more reason to NOT worry. Less disgusting flies buzzing in my ear when i am half asleep, or mosquitoes biting my soft spots, for me then! At the cost of tolerating just a few of those spiders!
From the members of the spiders family though, i cannot stand ticks. When i see one of those faqers i kill it off in the most creative and imaginative ways ever, mostly with fire.
Spiders also have an ancient Greek myth. Once, Arachne was a very talented seamstress, proud for her works and even boasted she had more worth than gods themselves! The gods cursed her to become a spider and for her work and labor to be constantly destroyed by humans and despised by them, as a punishment for her arrogance, even though her weaving was adored when she had been a human.
Post edited April 15, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7