lazydog: Very interesting topic!
Where I am daddy log legs are crane flies. Daddy long legs spiders are insects, not spiders (6 legs=harvestman). I can't stand them either. The noise of them drives me insane with fear, especially when they are flapping around my bedroom light, casting huge shadows combined with the buzzing- it is terrifying for me!
Do I rescue spiders?
I will always try to rescue spiders and bees.
I will rescue any size of bee, even the massive ones, however long it takes me to do it (very long time for the big ones, I am mortally scared of all insects, the size scales my fear)
Curiously enough, I will exterminate wasps on site even though they are like spiders in that they prey on other insect pests. But I have had bad experiences with wasps in their swarm state and they also sting out of pure badness.
It is actually, funny to see various people's reaction to different insects. And how many people seem to have some kind of insect or arachnid phobia...
For me I mainly dislike daddy long legs / crane flys because they fly at you. Blue bottles and other buzzy flies are annoying but at least they generally just buzz about the room. Daddy long legs and moths (my other hate) actually fly towards you and flutter about you. I know neither of them can do me any harm, and I wouldn't actually say I'm afraid of them. I just finds them disgusting and hate them..
I will always rescue bees, particularly bumble bees as I love them (the bigger the better for me, I think they are cute). I once rescued a huge bumble bee from drowning in a tub of water outside, dried it off and fed it some honey. Another giant one flew into the kitchen once and we captured it in a glass to release outside but it got so pissed off it started attacking the glass so we had to give it a few minutes before we released it...
I'm probably one of the few people who quite likes wasps, wary of them sure because they sting, but I will always try capture them and release them outside instead of killing them.