wsnavigator: What's next GOG, start selling games with DRM?
ZFR: Ah... the eternal "next step".
GOG started selling recent indie games. What's next, Games with DRM???
GOG introduced Galaxy. What's next, Games with DRM???
GOG put In Development in its store. What's next, Games with DRM???
GOG's CEO goes to take a shit. What's next, Games with DRM???
It's 8+ years now, and the "games with DRM" just refuses to come, despite always being next on the list.
Indie games are OK, as long as they are without DRM.
Galaxy is OK, as long as it is only optional.
Games in development are also OK.
OK, I can accept 'games with DRM' is not the best phrase for this case. Here is another one, more appropriate for the current case:
What's next GOG, start displaying ads on
Lukaszmik: I
choose to interact with GOG. I
choose to provide them with my data. I will even overlook them gathering and using data that genuinely helps them improve the service (though in the imaginary ideal world I would have an option to opt-out from such a practice).
That said, when GOG starts introducing, without any announcement whatsoever, third-party participation from companies heavily into data-mining, that is unacceptable to me.
If someone does not care about tracking, he or she usually also don't care about DRM. Hence, no reason to shop on GOG, there are many other places on the Web where you can buy games.