Theoclymenus: ... everyone, without exception, is going to be forced into a "politically correct" straitjacket ? What sort of choice will that give to the general / voting public of any country? ...
Trilarion: I think this is not true. There is plenty of choice in the center: Giving money to the poor or exempting the rich, saving the climate, preserving conservation or building another pipeline, managing droughts, keeping privacy, fighting surveillance, managing immigration, dealing in international politics. Even without extremists there is so much important stuff to decide that heavily influences all our daily lifes one way or the other. My guess is that the voice of the center is not heard enough currently, but well, I don't know why or how to change it.
20 years before noone would have dared dishonoring a war veteran or asking for markings of people with a different faith, not because there was more political correctness then but because there was more decency among politicians, the media and the voters. I guess when decency is absent, politicial correctness (the smaller stepsister) has to step in. But I agree. People should not listen to Donald Trump because what he says is political incorrect but because it's mostly horrible. The outcome would be the same though. People can be wrong actually. Even if they have money. It's possible.
I think there is a lot that is RIGHT about so-called "political correctness", i.e. I like a lot of the principles that it stands for, but I think it has a bit of a cheek to start masquerading as a new global "philosophy". I also do not like the way in which it it being forced down people's throats and enforced internationally, to the point where simply saying something politiclally "incorrect" makes a person potentially guilty of a "hate crime" (this is now a category of crime in England). That is Orwellian language ! I will think my own thoughts, thank you very much !
I entirely agree with your point about decency (of conduct), not only among politicians but also among people in general. My own family is perfectly "decent" (well, apart from me). But does perfect political correctness go hand-in-hand with whiter-than-white behaviour from politicians and people ? I think not ! This is not a perfect or deception-free world we are living in at the moment, and you can't judge a book by its cover. I think Donald Trump is a fool at the very least. The measures he proposed are not only unworkable but they are also openly offensive. But I think he had a right to voice that opinion, and that he was gutsy to do so. He can forget about ever being president of the USA, though, and I hooe he doesn't get the job. But why should every new politician be forced to first of all be "politically correct" ? What is behind this "political correctness" ? I have met many people whom you might describe as "politically correct" in their opinions. Some of them are good and some of them are not at all good. It is not all black and white or straightforward.