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Just a fun question, which is the worst game on GOG according to your own opinion and why?

Bonus: Which is the worst game here according to rating/reviews?
Hmm...maybe Empire Earth 3. It has nothing in common with the series.
Kingdom: The Far Reaches - Nothing else even comes close .
Games which I bought and were really disapppointing:
The Real Texas,
Prah: Bonus: Which is the worst game here according to rating/reviews?
Just ask [url=]Magog[/url] (thanks to Mrkgnao!)

So it's MoO 3. Well deserved.
inc09nito: Games which I bought and were really disapppointing:
The Real Texas,
Minecrafty artstyle is like a guarantee it will be shit
inc09nito: Games which I bought and were really disapppointing:
The Real Texas,
Hey, no dissin' the cherub around here. The game was falling to pieces, but at least it was original. :P

I had no shortage of fun possessing people, and rats back in the day.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
Jack Kane
Ultima IX
I really -- and I mean really -- loathe Outcast and Divine Divinity. I can live with Divine Divinity, since it was gifted to me by someone who genuinely thought I would enjoy it, and I appreciate the generosity and the gesture, even though I don't like the game at all (I keep trying to play it every once in a while just out of respect for the person who gifted it to me). Outcast, on the other hand, is hyped to hell and back and I was expecting a lot more, then I discovered it's a piss poor excuse for a colonial Tintin game with lots of Stargate and Planet of the Apes thrown in for good measure, laughable script, appalling voice acting and boring exploration. I can understand why so many people love it but, to me, it was just a huge disappointment, especially since I paid money out of my own pocket, trusting the recommendations of the GOG community -- which tend to be on point, except on this one. It saddens me even more because it's a genre I love, the good old action-adventure (which arguably died out after Beyond Good & Evil, unfortunately), but it's so badly executed I can't help but cringe at the thought of it.

Oh, yes, it has a great operatic soundtrack. Sadly, it gets boring and repetitive by the third or fourth hour of gameplay.
groze: Divine Divinity.

"You make me sad." :P
Divine Divinity is a game which tries too hard to be something it isn't. Yes it has some interesting dialogue and actual quests, but it's still a Diablo clone. Though I'm glad to know that Larian didn't even want to use Diablo combat, and it was just the publisher trying to be appeal to trends.
groze: Divine Divinity.
tinyE: AHHHHHH!!!!

"You make me sad." :P
I can understand why people love Divine Divinity, but it's just not the game for me. The outset is tedious and you spend way too much time on the outset village alone for it to start properly, I just grow bored of it... as for the humor... well, it eludes me, I never managed to understand what's so funny about the script in this game. I managed to watch two skeletons talking about not being able to talk because they had no tongue and, with this realization, they fell to pieces... is this the great humor the game has to offer?! I mean... not that great, to be honest. Tim Schafer's games are funny, Stick it to the Man is funny, Nox is funny, Sam & Max Hit The Road is funny, the Monkey Island series is funny, Divine Divinity... not so much.

As for the gameplay, well... I found it extremely frustrating because I wanted to play as "pure" thief/rogue, but the game is pretty much unplayable unless you exploit it and choose some perks and abilities from other classes. There's even a whole "how to play properly" official thread on the Larian forums, and that just kills the purpose of the game, for me.

Not a bad game, by any means, but it is definitely one I think is very overrated and at least not my cup of tea at all.
Crosmando: Divine Divinity is a game which tries too hard to be something it isn't. Yes it has some interesting dialogue and actual quests, but it's still a Diablo clone. Though I'm glad to know that Larian didn't even want to use Diablo combat, and it was just the publisher trying to be appeal to trends.
You people are nuts. XD The only thing wrong with DD is that for some reason everyone walks around like they have a pole shoved up their ass. Seriously, pay attention to that if you ever play it again. Mind you I've never had a pole shoved up my ass, recently, but when I did I sure as hell didn't try walking around, but if I had, I'm sure that's what it would have looked like.
Crosmando: Divine Divinity is a game which tries too hard to be something it isn't. Yes it has some interesting dialogue and actual quests, but it's still a Diablo clone. Though I'm glad to know that Larian didn't even want to use Diablo combat, and it was just the publisher trying to be appeal to trends.
tinyE: You people are nuts. XD The only thing wrong with DD is that for some reason everyone walks around like they have a pole shoved up their ass. Seriously, pay attention to that if you ever play it again. Mind you I've never had a pole shoved up my ass, recently, but when I did I sure as hell didn't try walking around, but if I had, I'm sure that's what it would have looked like.
It's the 2d sprites. Same reason that all the characters in Baldur's Gate walk only with their legs/without moving the rest of their body.
Prah: Just a fun question, which is the worst game on GOG according to your own opinion and why?
Ultima 1. Those damn graphics and poor audio, and it doesn't support the XBoner gamepads. No multiplayer either.