Posted July 29, 2021

All those Final Fantasy 1 Remakes
While there are considerable improvements in all of them (graphics, bugfixes, conveniences), the change to MP rather than spell slots broke it.
* The old spell slot system is used (though I haven't seen a screenshot, and I don't know how the amount of MP per spell level compares to the original)
* The bonus dungeons from the GBA/PSP versions are missing
* Aside from those two factors, the game plays like the GBA version, meaning that you level up too fast, things are too easy, and you can buy items like Hi-Potions and Ethers.
(Of course, because it's only been released on DRM-encumbered platforms, I don't have access to this version, but it is still worth noting that this version still has issues, and in particular is still too easy even without the change to MP.)
Edit: According to a twitter post:
* Ether restores 1 MP per spell level
* Enemies no longer cycle through their spells, but instead choose them randomly when casting them. This means that rarely seen enemy spells might appear more frequently, and it means the final boss can heal anytime it wants (instead of having to cast 3 other spells first).
Post edited July 29, 2021 by dtgreene