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DampSquib: Elminage Gothic.
dtgreene: Why? That game is one of my favorites.
Looks like you just answered your own question. ;D
Planescape Torment;
Fallout 2;
Baldur's Gate;
Any Ultima game;

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
neurasthenya: Planescape Torment;
Fallout 2;
Baldur's Gate;
Any Ultima game;
Wow. I wonder what are your top 5 best ones.
Can only think of one right now:

Ultima VII (Super Nintendo version) =P
Wow, I'm surprised at some of the entries here. All of the ones I played that have appeared in this thread wouldn't be on my list of worst RPGs except...

Dragon Age 2.

And I know it's almost cliche to be critical of it, but it's one of the worst I played However, I think much of my dislike for it is due to my expectations and hopes for it before it was released. But yeah: Did. Not. Like.
Magic_Of_Light: Saying Oblivion and Skyrim are barely rpgs is kind of laughable honestly. Thats like saying Ultima 7 wasnt an rpg, or Might and magic 3+, because they werent turn based first person perspective. The elder scrolls series is rpgs in first person done right. Action combat is quite a large appeal nowadays, because its much more immersive. Like if you compare Wizardry 7 to Eye of the beholder. Eye of the beholder seems much more immersive, because you actually have to do everything, just just pick options and press go.
Actually, the way I see it, an important (and perhaps defining) characteristic is that you just pick actions for your characters, and those characters carry out those actions based on their abilities, not the players. Therefore, that supposedly "more immersive" combat where "you have to do everything, [not] just pick options and press go" is actually no longer RPG combat, and therefore those games are no longer RPGs. If you are looking for games with action combat, you are looking for action games, not RPGs.

Also, Ultima 7 has horrible combat. Furthermore, might and magic 3-5 actually are strictly turn-based, and I believe later MM games can be set to turn-based mode.

(One more thing: I assume you meant "not just", not "just just", right?)
neurasthenya: Planescape Torment;
Fallout 2;
Baldur's Gate;
Any Ultima game;
speedux: Wow. I wonder what are your top 5 best ones.

The Subtlety Scrolls IV: Internetdom;
Irony Effect;
Sarcasm - A Post Day of Work Role Playing Game;
Silliness Age - Origins;
Depression Torment;
Magic_Of_Light: Saying Oblivion and Skyrim are barely rpgs is kind of laughable honestly. Thats like saying Ultima 7 wasnt an rpg, or Might and magic 3+, because they werent turn based first person perspective. The elder scrolls series is rpgs in first person done right. Action combat is quite a large appeal nowadays, because its much more immersive. Like if you compare Wizardry 7 to Eye of the beholder. Eye of the beholder seems much more immersive, because you actually have to do everything, just just pick options and press go.
dtgreene: Actually, the way I see it, an important (and perhaps defining) characteristic is that you just pick actions for your characters, and those characters carry out those actions based on their abilities, not the players. Therefore, that supposedly "more immersive" combat where "you have to do everything, [not] just pick options and press go" is actually no longer RPG combat, and therefore those games are no longer RPGs. If you are looking for games with action combat, you are looking for action games, not RPGs.

Also, Ultima 7 has horrible combat. Furthermore, might and magic 3-5 actually are strictly turn-based, and I believe later MM games can be set to turn-based mode.

(One more thing: I assume you meant "not just", not "just just", right?)
RPG stands for role playing game. It is a story driven game, where magic, weapons, and training will make you stronger over time. Some people call mass effect a shooter, because it has shooting elements. But the core of the game is rpg, just as it is with skyrim and oblivion. Action combat does not make it any less rpg than say wizardry 7 with its turn based combat.

There is casual rpg, and action rpg, and strategy rpg, and shooter rpg, and first person rpg, ect ect ect. But they are still rpgs. Just because they arent your style doesnt mean they are not rpgs. You just prefer the casual or strategy kinds like fallout, or baldurs gate.

Just to solidify my point here, here is a list. They date way back, its not like its new.

Going by your logic the legend of zelda was not an rpg. Even though you grind for money, buy things, collect health magic weapons, find secrets, battle bosses, ect ect. Adventure rpg, action rpg, rpg is the core mechanics of how characters progress, not the combat alone.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by Magic_Of_Light
I don't know if commercially sold RPG Maker games count for this. If they do, I'd say that Steel & Steam, The Clans: Saga of the Twins and Secret of Magia are three absolutely terrible ones. And those are just three I've played; Steam is full of such games.

If we are talking about "real" RPGs, then I might have to say Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. When the plot isn't cliche it's just badly written, with the main character coming across as the villain unintentionally a lot of the time. Combat isn't that great and a lot of job classes are redundant.

Dungeon Siege 1 was so boring it took me a decade to muster the energy to finish it.

I've never played Hydlyde or AD&D: Heroes of the Lance but those two are awful NES RPGs.

Some of the Gold Box D&D games haven't aged well.
Crewdroog: Fallout 4, BC THERE WAS NONE.

I'm still bitter. and i still say it was a good FPS, but a shitty RPG.
Niggles: Same could be said for Fallout 3. NV is where the RPG is at..
word. after i played NV, i could never go back to 3
Bouchart: I don't know if commercially sold RPG Maker games count for this. If they do, I'd say that Steel & Steam, The Clans: Saga of the Twins and Secret of Magia are three absolutely terrible ones. And those are just three I've played; Steam is full of such games.

If we are talking about "real" RPGs, then I might have to say Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. When the plot isn't cliche it's just badly written, with the main character coming across as the villain unintentionally a lot of the time. Combat isn't that great and a lot of job classes are redundant.

Dungeon Siege 1 was so boring it took me a decade to muster the energy to finish it.

I've never played Hydlyde or AD&D: Heroes of the Lance but those two are awful NES RPGs.

Some of the Gold Box D&D games haven't aged well.
Well crap, i bought the entire D&D classic series bundle on sale. But, at least its not Hydlyde. That game made me want to tear out my eyeballs. And stick icepicks in my ears.
The Elder Scrolls I-V
If you made a list of European RPGs from the entire 1980's there's a very good chance that you could pick five names randomly and you would get the five worst RPGs ever made. At least twice. That is if you take the CRPG addicr's word for them.
I've ranted about this game before, but I'll rant about it again: Another War. An ostensibly BG-style WWII cRPG with (IMHO) awful, slow-paced combat and ridiculously lop-sided hit detection.
Post edited June 16, 2016 by rampancy
Maxvorstadt: Yep, I want to know which RPGs do you think are the" top 5" of the worst RPGs.
My list:

1. Gothic
2. Gothic 2
3. Gothic 3
4. Risen
5. Divine Divinity
Devine Infinity

Utter crap