1. Ultima 8--Its an abomination.
2. Lands Of Lore 2--God awful, avoid it.
3. Dungeon Master--Spell system from hell, never got anywhere back in the day on it.
4. Sacred 1 and 2--Most boring diablo style game ever, they are already boring, but Sacred 2 was so boring, it would literally make me go to sleep. Spells and skills have like 0 effects, grind grind grind, sell sell sell...zzz
5. Two worlds 1--Absolutely laughable combat to be honest, i find it hard to even enjoy it, even though it doesnt look that bad.
thehawkness: 1) Fallout 4
2) Fallout 3
3) Skyrim
4) Oblivion
5) Dragon Age Inquisition
So terrible they are barely 'rrr pee gees'
Saying Oblivion and Skyrim are barely rpgs is kind of laughable honestly. Thats like saying Ultima 7 wasnt an rpg, or Might and magic 3+, because they werent turn based first person perspective. The elder scrolls series is rpgs in first person done right. Action combat is quite a large appeal nowadays, because its much more immersive. Like if you compare Wizardry 7 to Eye of the beholder. Eye of the beholder seems much more immersive, because you actually have to do everything, just just pick options and press go.
Like skyrim and oblivion, compared to old games of the same type like stonekeep and ultima underworld. They are all fantastic, all of them.