nightcraw1er.488: Click on the edit button, and it will open a window with a box and the text from the post. You can then remove the text in the box, and then save that. The post will then show nothing. There is no “delete”, only removal of text that is there.
El_as_Ramo_Gali_n: i understand but.... when i erase the message and i say "send the post" there is a red mark saying that i cant save it been empty... you can try in one of yours so you will understand what im saying.
I can’t say this any more simply. Remove all the text, then put some bit of text like “deleted”, then save. Then your post will only show that big of text, not what you originally wrote. Let’s try step by step:
0-post shows original text
1-click edit on post
2-delete all text
3-type deleted in the box
4-click save
5-post now just shows text deleted