timppu: Yeah I save quite a bit in gas prices as gasoline costs A LOT here.
teceem: Aren't you reimbursed for your work-related transport costs?
Somewhat, annually. In Finland it means you get somewhat lower tax, ie. your work trips are considered as expenses for which you don't have to pay taxes. Tax deductions or whatever it is called.
Meaning, if you made, say, 50000€/year, it might be that e.g. 2000€ would be deducted from that due to work trip expenses, and you pay taxes "only" as if your total income was 48000€. So you get somewhat lower tax due to progressive tax rate here.
I barely qualify to get reimbursed for using my own car for the work trips. Most people only get reimbursed for public transport, ie. what it would cost to buy monthly or yearly tickets for public transport, even if in reality you use your own car (because you have to bring your kids to kindergarten or school or whatever). The compensation for having to use your own car is considerably higher than public transport, but still relatively small.
From my memory, you get reimbursed for using your own car if any of the following is true:
- There is no public transport available at all where you live (rural areas).
- You have to walk more than 3 km when using public transport.
- You have to wait more than 2 hours when changing public transport.
- You have to leave your home before 5 am to get to work in time, or you get back home after 0 am, when using public transport.
I got the car compensation with the last argument, ie. I'd have to leave home just before 5 am in order to get to my workplace before 8 am, with public transport. So with public transport my work trip would take a little over 3 hours, but with my own car 35-40 minutes (faster in the summer when I can drive the motorway 120 km/h, in winter the speed limit is 100 km/h or even 80 km/h depending on the weather).
But even with that compensation, gasoline costs an arm and a leg here. Currently the normal gas price is minimum 1.4 euros/litre, before the corona epidemic it was well over 1.5 €/l. I spend something like 260€ or more per month for the gasoline for my worktrips (driving 112km/day, 3360km/month, if I go to the office 5 days per week), and the tax deduction covers only a relatively small part of that expense. And my car is a small-ish and pretty economic Japanese car, not an American gas-guzzler.
Oh, and our current leftist-green government has already agreed to increase the gas tax later this year, due to "climate change" and because the members of the green party generally hate car drivers. The only place where I've seen gasoline cost more than in Finland is Norway.