neurasthenya: Alternatively, maybe you review isn't you know... good?
IMPOSSIBLE! Clearly those plebes can't appreciate the obvious superiority of my taste in video games! :P
Seriously, though, in this particular case, I'm completely bewildered that there aren't more people who absolutely hate this game. I found nothing redeeming whatsoever about it (and I'm a huge fan of the series, mind you) and reading some of the other reviews, I feel like they played an entirely different game. I'm not saying they're wrong - because different strokes, and all that - but personally, I could write a whole book titled "Stalker - Clear Sky is a fucking piece of shit". The first draft of my review included a section where I described 5 minutes worth of gameplay and everything that was wrong with them, and that ended up being three pages long. I'm all for giving the defendant a fair trial, but in the case of Clear Sky there simply is not a single good thing that comes to my mind. Gameplay is all over the place, as is the interface. AI is largely nonexistant. Corpses disappear once you turn your back to them, taking all their loot with them. 60% of the maps consist of recycled content from the previous game, only more streamlined, the new maps aren't particularly good. Whatever the word for the opposite of fun is, that's pretty much what I got from this game. Best of all, bugs prevented me from finishing the game about 85% in, the second to last map simply refused to load. And when I got the gog version, that one crashed on me less than an hour in, so that wasn't going to persuade me to give this anything than one star.
That aside, blaming "overzealous fans" was tongue-in-cheek more than anything else. Hell, even bringing up the review was an attempt at self-deprecating humour.
But Clear Sky still sucks.