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low rated
Green_Hilltop: Especially given that it has no MP features and they accepted Elminage and other Japanese JRPGs. Can we get a mod clarifying what they didn't fulfill?
Elminage ORIGINAL is not available on GOG, but on Steam. GOG rejected "Infinited Adventures" (on Steam) and "Silk: Wilderness Adventures on the Ancient Silk Road" by Chris Bateman (blobber-like movement, taking place on the Silk Road), available on Steam, and Nintendo Switch.

The blobber genre (and shmups) is my favorite genre and chairman GOG rejects these games. I keep buying these type of games on Steam, although I want to buy them on GOG and avoid Steam. Doesn't GOG need money?
Green_Hilltop: Especially given that it has no MP features and they accepted Elminage and other Japanese JRPGs. Can we get a mod clarifying what they didn't fulfill?
Jan.Teubel: Elminage ORIGINAL is not available on GOG, but on Steam. GOG rejected "Infinited Adventures" (on Steam) and "Silk: Wilderness Adventures on the Ancient Silk Road" by Chris Bateman (blobber-like movement, taking place on the Silk Road), available on Steam, and Nintendo Switch.

The blobber genre (and shmups) is my favorite genre and chairman GOG rejects these games. I keep buying these type of games on Steam, although I want to buy them on GOG and avoid Steam. Doesn't GOG need money?
Elminage Gothic is available on GOG though, and ORIGINAL isn't even out yet. They're both by different companies though (the PC ports), and I don't think I've heard of Infinited Adventures? I've heard of the latter, but if you check the Steam there is a larger number of new, indie blobbers there, so it makes sense if GOG wants to be a bit more selective, however it's weird that hey rejected Wizardry and that they have some more questionable indie games here while they have rejected some blobbers.

I recommend checking out The Quest by Redshift if you don't have it yet!
Why are you people still going on about a game that hasn't been released yet?

We still don't know why it was initially rejected and whether that relates to these licensing issues over the name. For people who want to pretend to be "in the know" about GoG's curation decisions, not a single one of these last posts mention that the game might not have gotten proper approval to use the Wizardry name...
! wishlist entry ! again, please do vote if you'd buy the game here even if you think it's pointless

also yt gameplay
Post edited November 05, 2019 by tfishell
The Quest is a masterpiece. It's a shame that GOG rejected it. The Quest, its expansion, and the independent developer expansions are well worth the asking price.
low rated
GOG's SJW style curation sure makes sure actual games don't get released here just the mainstream and indie garbage games on mass. Don't expect any chance hence their constant generic responses. If you're a fan of Niche games I don't even know why anybody would bother supporting GOG? GOG forum always looks more like an SJW den than an actual gamers forum. Ever scrambling to get votes on the wishlist which will be ignored anyway as they did with Agony or Hatred cause it triggers people the whole wishlist is pointless cause garbage Simulators with low votes get releasd faster than actual games.
Since this thread was dredged from the depths, how was the rights battle for Wizardry going anyway?
ShadowWulfe: The Quest is a masterpiece. It's a shame that GOG rejected it. The Quest, its expansion, and the independent developer expansions are well worth the asking price.
Yeah, I thought I hated all phone games until the Quest, it's such a hidden gem of a game, the hand-drawn graphics are just beautiful.
ShadowWulfe: The Quest is a masterpiece. It's a shame that GOG rejected it. The Quest, its expansion, and the independent developer expansions are well worth the asking price.
I recently started playing this - on the phone - and as a mobile game it's really impressive, because it's a real single-player open world RPG without any social and P2W bullshit. And no ads. I doubt I would be that impressed playing it on PC however - there's simply a ton of outstanding game of this kind available - and many of them even here on GOG. And it's not cheap for a mobile game (justified, because it's good and big) and then there are 12 (!) DLC available, each between $3 and $4 (PlayStore). And they embraced Steam Workshop on PC...
Also it looks ok on a small screen - the hand-drawn monsters are really nice! - but the environments and animations are pretty bare-bones for a PC game.

I can understand GOG being reluctant selling this. I wouldn't mind seeing it here, mind you - but I think the overhead of handling this game would probably outweigh the sales here. It's definitely rather a niche product for fans. I'd be curious how well this sold on Steam, my guess is it's more of a success on mobile (1,132 Reviews in PlayStore, 277 on Steam to this date).
low rated
Jan.Teubel: The blobber genre (and shmups) is my favorite genre and chairman GOG rejects these games. I keep buying these type of games on Steam, although I want to buy them on GOG and avoid Steam. Doesn't GOG need money?
From the list of games they reject and some(not all) they accept(which only a fraction might buy), it would seem they don't want or need it. *shrug*


Green_Hilltop: Elminage Gothic is available on GOG though, and ORIGINAL isn't even out yet. They're both by different companies though (the PC ports), and I don't think I've heard of Infinited Adventures? I've heard of the latter, but if you check the Steam there is a larger number of new, indie blobbers there, so it makes sense if GOG wants to be a bit more selective, however it's weird that hey rejected Wizardry and that they have some more questionable indie games here while they have rejected some blobbers.
That team we cannot name has such as their favorite genres, and seemingly also dislike anything controversial/too "un-pc"(too much lewd stuff/etc).


dgnfly: Ever scrambling to get votes on the wishlist which will be ignored anyway as they did with Agony or Hatred cause it triggers people the whole wishlist is pointless cause garbage Simulators with low votes get released faster than actual games.
Some crude terminology aside, you have a bit of a point about the rejected games you mentioned....some here even went so far as to campaign for them not to be released here because they were offended so much & they don't think anyone should play them.

And simulators ARE games....boring to me but likely fun to others & yes still games even if some like us don't play them much.
Post edited November 05, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: That team we cannot name has such as their favorite genres, and seemingly also dislike anything controversial/too "un-pc"(too much lewd stuff/etc).
"Lewd" can't be the problem here. We have HuniePop, LSL:MCM and some VN with rather raunchy content. Not to mention the Witcher games by GOG's sister company CDPR. Explicit "pr0n" is not possible I guess (that's why the VN games are censored) because that would lead to legal trouble. For instance for Germany they would have to add an age verification. While I would actually applaud this (because they could unblock some games for "verified age" Germans this way), the trouble is - there is no age verification system on the market that is actually accepted by German authorities... Kafka is quietly laughing...

About Un-PC... citation needed. It's wasn't GOG's choice for instance that Duke Nukem had to leave here, and I'm sure they'd gladly sell DN4ever too. Shadow Warrior, LSL, Postal are not "PC". AFAIK Hatred is just a boring game for the sake of controversy, Agony also has very mixed reviews and was said to be extremely buggy on release.
low rated
toxicTom: "Lewd" can't be the problem here. We have HuniePop, LSL:MCM and some VN with rather raunchy content. Not to mention the Witcher games by GOG's sister company CDPR. Explicit "pr0n" is not possible I guess (that's why the VN games are censored) because that would lead to legal trouble. For instance for Germany they would have to add an age verification. While I would actually applaud this (because they could unblock some games for "verified age" Germans this way), the trouble is - there is no age verification system on the market that is actually accepted by German authorities... Kafka is quietly laughing...
By "lewd" I meant anything uncensored.....we had Duke Nukem 3D/etc with such when the site started, but lately they have been dialing it back(with the exception of VNs, albeit also a bit censored in some cases).

Also do they really require age verification yet don't approve ANY such methods that sites use? If so then what's the point? Banning some games through stupid catch-22 laws I assume?

toxicTom: About Un-PC... citation needed. It's wasn't GOG's choice for instance that Duke Nukem had to leave here, and I'm sure they'd gladly sell DN4ever too. Shadow Warrior, LSL, Postal are not "PC". AFAIK Hatred is just a boring game for the sake of controversy, Agony also has very mixed reviews and was said to be extremely buggy on release.
I don't have solid proof onhand, but from what ive seen and know: Most of those games dropped years back before the staff started the "boutique storefront" stuff and the team was hired to accept/reject games, and while hatred might be boring/made for controversy some might want it regardless & they should be allowed to buy it. Also isn't Postal 2 a bit controversial and edgy for the sake of being edgy?
low rated
Jan.Teubel: The blobber genre (and shmups) is my favorite genre and chairman GOG rejects these games. I keep buying these type of games on Steam, although I want to buy them on GOG and avoid Steam. Doesn't GOG need money?
GameRager: From the list of games they reject and some(not all) they accept(which only a fraction might buy), it would seem they don't want or need it. *shrug*


Green_Hilltop: Elminage Gothic is available on GOG though, and ORIGINAL isn't even out yet. They're both by different companies though (the PC ports), and I don't think I've heard of Infinited Adventures? I've heard of the latter, but if you check the Steam there is a larger number of new, indie blobbers there, so it makes sense if GOG wants to be a bit more selective, however it's weird that hey rejected Wizardry and that they have some more questionable indie games here while they have rejected some blobbers.
GameRager: That team we cannot name has such as their favorite genres, and seemingly also dislike anything controversial/too "un-pc"(too much lewd stuff/etc).


dgnfly: Ever scrambling to get votes on the wishlist which will be ignored anyway as they did with Agony or Hatred cause it triggers people the whole wishlist is pointless cause garbage Simulators with low votes get released faster than actual games.
GameRager: Some crude terminology aside, you have a bit of a point about the rejected games you mentioned....some here even went so far as to campaign for them not to be released here because they were offended so much & they don't think anyone should play them.

And simulators ARE games....boring to me but likely fun to others & yes still games even if some like us don't play them much.
I don't care if people wanna play those stupid simulators the point is some titles that barely have any votes on the wishlist get released while those with higher numbers get rejected on which seems to be an agenda. Wishlist is just a garbage notion of hope and that you can be part of the choice of what gets released while that is all determined by some unknown nobodies.
low rated
dgnfly: I don't care if people wanna play those stupid simulators the point is some titles that barely have any votes on the wishlist get released while those with higher numbers get rejected on which seems to be an agenda.
Fair enough, but you don't get people on your side and to listen if you disrespect others while saying such.

dgnfly: Wishlist is just a garbage notion of hope and that you can be part of the choice of what gets released while that is all determined by some unknown nobodies.
It used to be more applicable but now it isn't anymore, but let people have their hope if they harms no one majorly for them to have such.
low rated
dgnfly: I don't care if people wanna play those stupid simulators the point is some titles that barely have any votes on the wishlist get released while those with higher numbers get rejected on which seems to be an agenda.
GameRager: Fair enough, but you don't get people on your side and to listen if you disrespect others while saying such.

dgnfly: Wishlist is just a garbage notion of hope and that you can be part of the choice of what gets released while that is all determined by some unknown nobodies.
GameRager: It used to be more applicable but now it isn't anymore, but let people have their hope if they harms no one majorly for them to have such.
Seeing how single-minded people here are you'd get little support from them seeing people being more selfish and making excuses why certain games shouldn't be here instead of just saying I'll support what you want to play cause having Choice is better than having none at all. The whole complaining about VN is just another SJW crying point cause it's not even X-rated but people still wanna control the narrative cause they wanna enforce their will on others and have a superiority complex when it comes to which games should or shouldn't be allowed.

Wizardy being a ''Niche'' title seems to some a big enough excuse to not release the title and people who cry that are those who don't care about another person's choice anyway.

Don't think people will be your allies simply cause you to talk nice or logical some people run on irrational behavior and will simply go with the masses cause they can't think on their own.
Post edited November 05, 2019 by dgnfly