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low rated
dgnfly: Hey buddy, there is plenty of broken games released here or games that are lower-rated or never updates so those are allowed cause they think they might make money but a game that has been released and actually has a fanbase shouldn't cause you feel it will fail? you sure have a high opinion about yourself as if you are the know it all while actually just being a corporate shill with no actual factual information why they are refused and you are like I said multiple times making up excuses why they might be rejected yet you like to overlook the part where people mention all the broken/ incomplete games released here.
This is some of the point I was trying to make(minus the name calling of course, which is unneeded/which I mostly removed).

dgnfly: All you keep doing is spinning your bullshit about low sales while many games have low sales so why should they be bothered by dungeon RPG? or is it just like i said you just a ... needing to defend a company from criticism cause you can't cope with it being criticized.

Like it has been saying many times but your ... brain can't cope it seems, We want the game release but you can't seem to cope with that opinion. You're so busy trying to be a ... you even tried to make up words I didn't even say as to get me to shut up with the '' Manipulate rating'' which I never said.
Some more mostly food points and mostly true statements.

dgnfly: You, sir, complains when people want a certain game simply cause you care little about games it seems other than those you deem fit for release. Your whole presences in this thread is complaining about people wanting a certain game release which show what kinda ... mentality you have of self center behavior
Also true once corrected a bit(sorry about that...I find the rude name calling not helping and the accusations of certain terms to not be truthful of civil discussion. The rest of the points hold mostly true, though.


fronzelneekburm: Tinfoil hat mode: ENGAGED!

Seeing how RWhorehole's posts in this thread all show a conspicuous lack of red "low rated", one may conclude that either:

This forum has attracted it's fair shate of, uhhh... "special" people over the years, so really both options are viable.
It's not hom most likely, but my "fans" following me around and hitting most of my posts as usual to be able to drop me the max 5 rep per theorizing needed, and just pay it no mind like I do.

fronzelneekburm: In either case, gog seems to have woken up to the rampant misuse of the downvote button, so they seem to have thrown the tinyE-switch of magical rep increase on everyone else. Hell, my last post in this thread got low rated and my rep still increased overnight lol.
Eh, who knows what is happening behind the scenes...I DO KNOW, however, that the forum code is a buggy mess so anything might be possible!

fronzelneekburm: So keep downvotin', winrars! :DD affects nothing and it seems mainly the controversial stances people cannot handle get low rated(well some bad posts also get low rated) so at least I know which posts to read first.

fr33kSh0w2012: You all do realise I'm the one that got that deranged twisted sour sick weird S.O.B. tinyE banned from these very forums for good don't you, Just to get some peace and quiet.

He had a weird habit of attacking anyone he wanted to with very very vile posts, he'd go in these weird rants at other users too heaps of different people even people that once considered him friends.
You DO recall the advice I gave you on how to not get so low rated and get along with others right? About not mentioning TinyE at all? Just checking.

Now back to the game being discussed.....I for one hope it comes here soon, as it seems decent enough & I love Wiz 8.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
Darvond: Hey, RWarehal, and GameRanger? Why don't you go onto IRC where you can have your pissing matches in peace?
Do blame RWarehal he keeps going on like a broken record when it comes to choice cause he feels he has the answer why there should be no choice and we should just accept things cause he is Corporate shill who seems to feel he is GOG representative. He even goes as far as to make up fake shit and put words in your mouth so he can seem like the beter person.
Anothername: *looks at all the down rates* Someone surly hates that game with a passion...
Those are just the SJW which GOG seems to be infested with they can't cope with critical debate so all they do is downvote cause they can't make an argument.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by dgnfly
low rated
dgnfly: Do blame RWarehal he keeps going on like a broken record when it comes to choice cause he feels he has the answer.....
FWIW he did calm down near the end and was more reasonable, which is nice to see, but it was a bit hard to even want to try replying calmly at some points.

BTW as for that post you replied to, don't mind such kinds of posts if the stuff being complained about is ontopic. Many times I noticed others(or me) would be talking ontopic yet arguing a bit and someone would come in and complain about it and then leave......I don't get why some just don't "walk away" when they see such and feel the need to complain about such if they subject themselves to it in the first place.

dgnfly: Those are just the trollswhich GOG seems to be infested with they can't cope with critical debate so all they do is downvote cause they can't make an argument.
Corrected for accuracy....trolls are of any side and are usually the problem, along with NIMBY types(look that term up if you don't know what it means).

Addition: It seems mainly those that praise the store get more uprated and those that are more critical of certain things get low rated...gog likely has a few fan boys/girls/xirs floating around, same as any site.
Now to all: Let us get this thread back ontopic before we get the staff to "visit" and "opposite of unlock" this thread.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
Darvond: Hey, RWarehal, and GameRanger? Why don't you go onto IRC where you can have your pissing matches in peace?
dgnfly: Do blame RWarehal he keeps going on like a broken record when it comes to choice cause he feels he has the answer why there should be no choice and we should just accept things cause he is Corporate shill who seems to feel he is GOG representative. He even goes as far as to make up fake shit and put words in your mouth so he can seem like the beter person.
Anothername: *looks at all the down rates* Someone surly hates that game with a passion...
dgnfly: Those are just the SJW which GOG seems to be infested with they can't cope with critical debate so all they do is downvote cause they can't make an argument.
I offer an alternative explanation, if it is a cruel bite at players who prefer games like Wizardry and things like it, in that they have a knack for self punishment.
low rated
Darvond: I offer an alternative explanation, if it is a cruel bite at players who prefer games like Wizardry and things like it, in that they have a knack for self punishment.
You talking about the Wiz games being hard?

The games are fun enough, and as for punishment....many games we have here could also fit that bill and then some.
Darvond: I offer an alternative explanation, if it is a cruel bite at players who prefer games like Wizardry and things like it, in that they have a knack for self punishment.
GameRager: You talking about the Wiz games being hard?

The games are fun enough, and as for punishment....many games we have here could also fit that bill and then some.
Less "hard" more "cruel & spiteful". Loads of false hope along with chain yanking, I understand. Such as level drain or a teleport trap that stones your entire party.
low rated
Darvond: Less "hard" more "cruel & spiteful". Loads of false hope along with chain yanking, I understand. Such as level drain or a teleport trap that stones your entire party.
Eh, i'm used to it by now, what with old adventure games being very unforgiving(forgot a needed item, time limits in some areas, moon logic, etc) in the olden days.
GameRager: Now back to the game being discussed.....I for one hope it comes here soon, as it seems decent enough & I love Wiz 8.
Actually, this game is more like Wizardry 1-3 and 5 than Wizardry 8, so don't expect something like Wizardry 8.

Another similar game to look into is Elminage Gothic, which is available on GOG, and unlike many of the Japanese Wizardry spin-offs/clones, is actually quite difficult and punishing once you get past the first dungeon.
low rated
dtgreene: Actually, this game is more like Wizardry 1-3 and 5 than Wizardry 8, so don't expect something like Wizardry 8.

Another similar game to look into is Elminage Gothic, which is available on GOG, and unlike many of the Japanese Wizardry spin-offs/clones, is actually quite difficult and punishing once you get past the first dungeon.
Is it here on Gog? If so i'll add it to my list...thanks for the suggestion.
GameRager: You talking about the Wiz games being hard?

The games are fun enough, and as for punishment....many games we have here could also fit that bill and then some.
Darvond: Less "hard" more "cruel & spiteful". Loads of false hope along with chain yanking, I understand. Such as level drain or a teleport trap that stones your entire party.
Actually, telepoet traps don't stone the party; rather, they teleport you randomly, and possibly into rock (if there is any on the floor you're on). Teleporting into rock will inflict LOST status (which is meant to be incurable) on your entire party, who will then be deleted on exit of the cemetery. (In the Famicom games and games based on it, and in the Wizardry Gaiden series, this will only inflect DEAD instead of LOST, and your party will be sent back to the castle where they can (hopefully) be resurrected; especially nice given a certain nasty trap in Wizardry Gaiden 4.

(By the way, teleporting into rock is possible in Elminage Gothic; in fact, I have more than once had a certain flying fish enemy ambush me and teleport me into rock before I could do anything. At least, unlike most versions of Wizardry 1-3 and 5(when played without save states), in Elminage Gothic, you can just reload a save if that happens.)

Darvond: Less "hard" more "cruel & spiteful". Loads of false hope along with chain yanking, I understand. Such as level drain or a teleport trap that stones your entire party.
GameRager: Eh, i'm used to it by now, what with old adventure games being very unforgiving(forgot a needed item, time limits in some areas, moon logic, etc) in the olden days.
Reminds me of Wizardry 4, which does this sort of thing. (But don't play Wizardry 4 before Wizardry 1; there's at least one puzzle that expects you to have played 1 first.)

dtgreene: Actually, this game is more like Wizardry 1-3 and 5 than Wizardry 8, so don't expect something like Wizardry 8.

Another similar game to look into is Elminage Gothic, which is available on GOG, and unlike many of the Japanese Wizardry spin-offs/clones, is actually quite difficult and punishing once you get past the first dungeon.
GameRager: Is it here on Gog? If so i'll add it to my list...thanks for the suggestion.
Yes, Elminage Gothic is here on GOG, and I do recommend it; I got many hours of playtime (I think well over 60) before I quit in the final post-game dungeon.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by dtgreene
low rated
Woah, this thread just got certifiably elevated to GOLD-TIER!!!

fr33kSh0w2012: You all do realise I'm the one that got that deranged twisted sour sick weird S.O.B. tinyE banned from these very forums for good don't you, Just to get some peace and quiet.
My hero! Do Tauto next pls!
low rated
dtgreene: Reminds me of Wizardry 4, which does this sort of thing. (But don't play Wizardry 4 before Wizardry 1; there's at least one puzzle that expects you to have played 1 first.)
Will remember that.

dtgreene: Yes, Elminage Gothic is here on GOG, and I do recommend it; I got many hours of playtime (I think well over 60) before I quit in the final post-game dungeon.
Sounds good....I will add it and wait for a sale(not because I dislike it any, but because I am on a budget).

fronzelneekburm: My hero! Do Tauto next pls!
Not to go offtopic much, but Tauto is much better here than Tiny was...i'd rather any of Tiny's alts go first.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
dtgreene: Actually, this game is more like Wizardry 1-3 and 5 than Wizardry 8, so don't expect something like Wizardry 8.

Another similar game to look into is Elminage Gothic, which is available on GOG, and unlike many of the Japanese Wizardry spin-offs/clones, is actually quite difficult and punishing once you get past the first dungeon.
GameRager: Is it here on Gog? If so i'll add it to my list...thanks for the suggestion.
There is another game: Elminage ORIGINAL: Priestess of Darkness and The Ring of the Gods. Only on Steam, not on GOG (of course, LOL).

Elminage ORIGINAL has two wishlists on GOG:
- (83 votes)
- (4 votes)
Post edited November 07, 2019 by Jan.Teubel
low rated
Jan.Teubel: There is another game: Elminage ORIGINAL: Priestess of Darkness and The Ring of the Gods. Only on Steam, not on GOG (of course, LOL).

Elminage ORIGINAL has two wishlists on GOG:
- (83 votes)
- (4 votes)
Nice find....though they really should merge those two entries I think.
low rated
RWarehall: The fact is the Wishlist has been made meaningless because the same fools complaining about every not so great game getting rejected, uses the Wishlist to vote them up. Making the Wishlist a trash fire of a poll. You want an example of clear manipulation, our Wishlist is the prime example because of your actions. Because of you people, GoG doesn't trust it and for good reason...

GoG sees what you are doing and that is why they take certain entries with a big grain of salt. Unless you think they are blind to the 3 threads a month of complaints and brigading from the same half dozen people...
I am still trying to wrap my head around this. Let's assume for the sake of argument you are right and that this is "brigading." Explain to me how what happened with Opus Magnum wasn't the result of "brigading" as well. You mean to tell me all the posts based around that game's rejection weren't "brigading?"

The problem isn't about shilling for or against GOG or whichever corporation. It's about biases, which affect all of us to some degree or another, but this is emotional not rational. The fact of the matter is that there is just something about these old school dungeon crawlers, or their perceived audience, that irrationally bothers people.

Oh and I just saw this front page topic:

Eek! More "brigading" for a game to be here.
Post edited November 07, 2019 by rjbuffchix