nightcraw1er.488: Which version? Do you have the pre made characters? I tried this a few weeks back, having the old installer and the new one, installed one after the other. Major differences:
Old version worked flawlessly and had a whole load of premade characters.
New version made the sound card screech, didn’t have the pre made characters, then crashed on game start.
Gudadantza: Same here. For me the game runs flawesly and smooth and no sound problems, via Galaxy or launchin externally. And of course there are premade characters to start with when you select new game.
I works for me under opengl or nglide
I remark. The installed copy is the one Galaxy installs by default.
Right, let me try this again.
I am !!NOT!! talking about Galaxy or the Game Version (which is 1.2.4 in both cases).
So, OFFLINE installer setup_wizardry8_2.0.0.6.exe, which is no longer available under the download offline installers on the website, but which I have backed up works flawlessly. It also contains prebuilt characters and a Saves folder already in place. It also plays the movies fine and launches correctly.
setup_wizardry_8_2001_12_23_(22306).exe which is the one now available on the website for download has the following issues:
It screetches at each movie start.
It opens with resolution 1024*, whereas the previous one opened full screen.
It does not play the start movie, nor does it start the game, just crashes at that point.
The instal does not contain a Saves folder, has no premade characters.
I will add this information to the main thread, and wishlist and other links here: I can repeat the above as many times as needed, all exactly the same issues. Here is a directory listing of the two versions, which quite clearly show the second one is missing the Saves folder completely, and has a different size. As the game version has not changed, GOG have changed something between the two versions and removed content. I have asked GOG about this, they reply with the standard "use galaxy to be able to roll back":
Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is
Directory of C:\MyGames\Wizardry 8
10/05/2020 10:58 <DIR> .
10/05/2020 10:58 <DIR> ..
15/10/1999 18:07 1,105,408 3DfxSpl.dll
15/10/1999 18:14 1,105,408 3DfxSpl2.dll
15/10/1999 18:21 1,105,408 3DfxSpl3.dll
10/12/2001 20:49 102,454 3DSetup.exe
20/03/2013 14:39 55 3DVideo.CFG
15/01/2001 13:41 286,208 binkw32.dll
15/01/2001 18:08 0 CD.ROM
10/05/2020 10:48 <DIR> Data
10/05/2020 10:49 <DIR> Dll
10/05/2020 10:49 7,732 EULA.txt
14/09/2012 13:56 96,264 GameuxInstallHelper.dll
21/05/2013 16:51 128,352 gfw_high.ico
15/02/2013 21:27 1,290,240 glide.dll
02/04/2013 16:20 1,302,528 glide2x.dll
15/02/2013 21:29 1,318,912 glide3x.dll
14/09/2012 13:56 69,248 gog.ico
24/05/2013 13:06 283,968 goggame.dll
10/05/2020 10:49 1,574 Launch Wizardry 8.lnk
10/05/2020 10:49 <DIR> Levels
16/10/2001 16:56 125,952 Mp3dec.asi
16/10/2001 16:55 348,160 Mss32.dll
16/10/2001 16:56 52,224 Mssa3d.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 61,952 Mssa3d2.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 65,536 Mssdolby.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 51,200 Mssds3dh.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 50,688 Mssds3ds.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 51,712 Mssdx7sh.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 51,712 Mssdx7sl.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 51,712 Mssdx7sn.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 54,272 Msseax.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 70,144 Msseax2.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 64,000 Mssfast.m3d
16/10/2001 16:56 354,304 Mssrsx.m3d
16/10/2001 16:57 142,848 Mssv12.asi
16/10/2001 16:57 134,144 Mssv24.asi
16/10/2001 16:57 161,280 Mssv29.asi
15/01/2001 13:41 77,878 MSVCIRT.DLL
15/01/2001 13:41 401,462 MSVCP60.DLL
15/01/2001 13:41 266,293 MSVCRT.DLL
10/05/2020 10:58 0 mytemp.txt
06/12/2012 14:32 227 nGlideEULA.txt
02/04/2013 17:11 53,248 nglide_config.exe
02/04/2013 17:11 15,179 nglide_readme.txt
10/05/2020 10:49 <DIR> Patches
10/05/2020 10:49 <DIR> Saves
13/09/2001 20:09 688,191 sr.dll
14/09/2012 13:56 62,895 Support.ico
10/05/2020 10:49 239,256 unins000.dat
10/05/2020 10:47 1,233,216 unins000.exe
10/05/2020 10:49 1,009 unins000.ini
10/05/2020 10:49 22,733 unins000.msg
20/03/2013 14:06 2,063 Wiz8.CFG
24/12/2001 02:01 3,580,513 Wiz8.exe
06/10/1997 04:11 2,238 Wiz8.ico
26/12/2001 14:34 6,188 Wiz8Patch2001_12_23_README.txt
10/05/2013 12:11 591,849 Wizardry 8 - Manual.pdf
51 File(s) 17,340,037 bytes
Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is
Directory of C:\MyGames\Wizardry 8
10/05/2020 11:12 <DIR> .
10/05/2020 11:12 <DIR> ..
10/05/2020 11:10 1,105,408 3DfxSpl.dll
10/05/2020 11:10 1,105,408 3DfxSpl2.dll
10/05/2020 11:10 1,105,408 3DfxSpl3.dll
10/05/2020 11:10 102,454 3DSetup.exe
10/05/2020 11:11 55 3DVideo.CFG
10/05/2020 11:10 286,208 binkw32.dll
06/03/2018 13:27 0 CD.ROM
10/05/2020 11:11 <DIR> Data
10/05/2020 11:10 <DIR> Dll
10/05/2020 11:11 36,796 EULA.txt
10/05/2020 11:10 1,527,808 glide.dll
10/05/2020 11:10 1,617,920 glide2x.dll
10/05/2020 11:10 1,712,128 glide3x.dll
09/08/2017 16:28 69,248 gog.ico
10/05/2020 11:11 3,112 goggame-1207659230.hashdb
10/05/2020 11:10 128,352 goggame-1207659230.ico
10/05/2020 11:11 1,214
10/05/2020 11:11 1,615 goggame-1207659230.script
10/05/2020 11:11 631 goglog.ini
10/05/2020 11:11 1,592 Launch Wizardry 8.lnk
10/05/2020 11:11 <DIR> Levels
10/05/2020 11:10 125,952 Mp3dec.asi
10/05/2020 11:10 348,160 Mss32.dll
10/05/2020 11:10 52,224 Mssa3d.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 61,952 Mssa3d2.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 65,536 Mssdolby.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 51,200 Mssds3dh.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 50,688 Mssds3ds.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 51,712 Mssdx7sh.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 51,712 Mssdx7sl.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 51,712 Mssdx7sn.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 54,272 Msseax.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 70,144 Msseax2.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 64,000 Mssfast.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 354,304 Mssrsx.m3d
10/05/2020 11:10 142,848 Mssv12.asi
10/05/2020 11:10 134,144 Mssv24.asi
10/05/2020 11:10 161,280 Mssv29.asi
10/05/2020 11:10 77,878 MSVCIRT.DLL
10/05/2020 11:10 401,462 MSVCP60.DLL
10/05/2020 11:10 266,293 MSVCRT.DLL
10/05/2020 11:12 0 mytemp.txt
10/05/2020 11:10 227 nGlideEULA.txt
10/05/2020 11:10 348,160 nglide_config.exe
10/05/2020 11:10 23,016 nglide_readme.txt
10/05/2020 11:10 <DIR> Patches
10/05/2020 11:10 688,191 sr.dll
09/08/2017 16:28 62,895 support.ico
10/05/2020 11:11 1,741,516 unins000.dat
10/05/2020 11:11 1,334,880 unins000.exe
10/05/2020 11:11 41 unins000.ini
10/05/2020 11:11 23,077 unins000.msg
18/07/2018 12:25 313,764
10/05/2020 11:11 2,063 Wiz8.CFG
10/05/2020 11:10 3,580,513 Wiz8.exe
10/05/2020 11:10 2,238 Wiz8.ico
10/05/2020 11:10 6,188 Wiz8Patch2001_12_23_README.txt
10/05/2020 11:10 591,849 Wizardry 8 - Manual.pdf
54 File(s) 20,161,448 bytes