timppu: Not that this will help you, but for me Wiz8 GOG version works fine out of the box, including the videos. Windows 10, GPU is NVidia Quadro P600 (a laptop).
I used the offline installer for the game, I don't have Galaxy installed.
ShimakazeKun: We tried that as admin but all it does is tell me the game isn't installed despite fresh reinstalls and repairs etc. I think the fix is expecting an outdated filepath. Still thanks.
Since it might be my hardware I'll try to reach out to support for help or a refund.
nightcraw1er.488: So just coming back to this. Your not unfortunately entitled to support on this. It clearly does not state compatible on windows 10. It also seems most of the usual has been tried. Can you try it on another machine, maybe a win 7 device? An old laptop or desktop with win 7 on it, just download the offline installers (do not download or install anything galaxy]. Install from those to a folder outside windows folders, c:/mygames should be fine. Again I say do NOT install to windows folders, and do NOT install galaxy. If it still fails to work on a win 7 machine with those two criteria, then you have a valid case for a refund. Running through galaxy on an rtx20xxwin 10 build isn’t.
Even without refund they might be able to offer some insight. I will try an offline install later as an last attempt before taking a break since this already took several days of research.
I might be able to try on an older pc at some point but that will have to wait. I will follow these instructions then.
Thanks for all the replies and help with this.