Breja: I realise that, and that's the reason why I didn't mind alchemy in the first Witcher (in the second the potions were entirely useless anyway and I haven't played the third yet), but still I did get a tad tired of it as the game went on. I appreciated it for the sake of immersion, but it's also something of a chore. Especially on replaying the game I wished for some option to skip it and just get my potions refilled at every rest or something like that. I brewed the damn things twenty times already. Like, I trust Geralt to do that, ok? He'll make the potions and tie his shoes without my help.
You could probably tolerate it in the Witcher 3, then. As noted, you brew potions/create bombs only once and then they're replenished automatically when you meditate. The annoying part is what 227 noted, in that you have to switch bombs in and out, which becomes tedious.
As for crafting itself, I tend to dislike it as well. I've rarely seen a game where there's a good balance. It seems it's either crafting gives you by far the best gear - which means you pretty much
have to do it, and the game is balanced around crafted gear, so it becomes a fucking uber-hard nightmare if you don't craft (or it's balanced around the non-crafted gear, which means if you craft it becomes a complete cake-walk snooze-fest) -
or you can buy/find better gear which makes crafting completely pointless - but then you're often stuck hoarding ingredients because you're not sure what you may need to fulfill a quest, crafting or not.