nrd224: Never heard anyone mention this website/platform in my 10+ years using steam. Why cant Nvidia just give me a steam key like every other game redemption I've got? Why do I have to download another gaming platform just to play this game? and if I don't download the platform why is the game in 7 different files and a patch that I have to manually download?
/e The last video card I bought that came with a redemption made me come here...but I got a steam key
/e ooo ok my bad I have this account because a friend of mine is always finding promotions with free games that Is why I have an account here...register for free game ...never play free games because they all looked horrible
This thread got out of hand fast. But I'd love to answer your question:
GOG and the peeps that made the Witcher are in the same building and owned by the same company. So instead of giving Steam 30% of the sales, they can keep it all. And the promo sends folks here so they can pick up some oldies or new games while they visit.
Everyone has different tastes and I don't blame you for not wanting to get another client. There's a lot of clients out there.
For the purposes of The Witcher 3, if you have it on GOG, I would recommend downloading it with the GOG Downloader: And if you care about auto-updating, then get Galaxy.
Steam DLC + expanision packs will not be compatible with GOG's DLC and expansion packs. So be sure to stick with the same store if that's something that interests you.
If you're the kind of person who likes to help the dev out as much as possible with your purchase, then I would urge you to play your nVidia copy here and get your DLC/expansions here, too. Because 100% of the money will go toward The Witcher people instead of 70% like at Steam.
In general, folks around here are pretty nice. But everyone's bent out of shape right now b/c of all the Steam-folk coming by and all the Witcher 3 Q/A's. So, sorry for the testy responses.
I hope you get to play your Witcher 3 copy and I hope you enjoy some of what GOG has to offer. There's tons of excellent games here that are difficult or impossible to find other places. And oftentimes you'll see them here first (like a slew of the Star Wars and Star Trek games).
Be well!