HunchBluntley: In other words, you're using this rather specific topic as a launchpad to fire off some only tangentially related gripes about the sad state of modern gaming in general.
nightcraw1er.488: No, I merely stated that I was waiting for a complete pack as I hate this bit by bit releases common
nowadays, you pushed me for further information.
Let me reiterate:
this has nothing to do with "nowadays" -- the PC games industry has been doing this general sort of thing -- i.e., selling after-market content for already-released games -- for
at least two and a half decades (basically, since the "early childhood" of the industry itself). The details of how it's done have changed, but the overall concept has not.
Wolfenstein 3D,
Baldur's Gate,
Heroes of Might & Magic III,
Diablo, and many, many other classic games from the "good old days" also had level packs/mission packs/expansion campaigns on the same level as the new content included in
The Witcher III's Expansion Pass.
HunchBluntley: You're thinking of the second expansion itself. I'm pretty sure the Expansion Pass was available for sale before the base game even released; at any rate, it's been available since at least last summer, and includes the first expansion, which has been out for about a year.
apehater: i may used the wrong word, i meant that the expansion pack is still a preorder, even if one part is released already. you buy the expansion pass as a preorder.
Eh. Personally, I consider a game purchase to no longer be a pre-order once some part of the game content is actually available to play. Like all those Telltale games -- you have some discrete part of the content available, with the remainder scheduled to come out later.