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I just added Shorter line length in forum posts to the community wishlist. But I thought I might as well hear other folks take on this as well, hence this post. My wish goes like this:

About 65 characters is widely considered the ideal length for a line of text. On this forum, the lines are about 140 characters long. This makes them harder to read.

Googling ‘optimal line length’ gives you lots of info on this. But basically, our subconscious gets a boost each time our eyes jumps to a new line. With extremely long line length, the reader runs out of steam before reaching the end of the line. Try picking up a book - any book you like, doesn’t matter - and count the number of characters in a random line. It’s will be something close to 65 characters. Because, if you break this rule, whatever you publish won’t be read.

The current line length discourages visitors from actually reading the longer posts, and makes them skim it instead.

How about making the line length shorter and thus, easier to read?
high rated
Are you on drugs ?
Niggles: Are you on drugs ?
Why, of course I am. Quite good one too. But, got any opinion on optimal line length...?
Niggles: Are you on drugs ?

When did you get here!?
Download Stylish extension for your browser, create a new style and put in it this:
@-moz-document domain("") {
.post_text {width: 480px !important;}
Change width value to your liking. Done. Don't do drugs any more.

Edit: well, actually, I have no idea what you should write at the beginning of new style if you're using Chrome, above example works for Firefox.
Post edited October 28, 2015 by InkPanther
I don't use lines in my posts :o)
This is actually a problem to you ?
InkPanther: Download Stylish extension for your browser, create a new style and put in it this:

@-moz-document domain("") {
.post_text {width: 480px !important;}
InkPanther: Change width value to your liking. Done. Don't do drugs any more.

Edit: well, actually, I have no idea what you should write at the beginning of new style if you're using Chrome, above example works for Firefox.
Thanks - I didn't knew that Stylish extension. It works! +1
Licurg: This is actually a problem to you ?
Well, enought of a problem for me to notice it, at least.

Too wide text width is something that has irked me before, since a lot of open-source people once believed that their site should be 'device-independent'. Thus, they refused to do table layout - yeah, it was back then - and instead, they let the text flow all the way across the screen.
Gotta love the 1 vote.
Well, I'd accept voting for your wish; only on one condition though. It will be optional.

I respect your choice to have much less characters in a line. However, I have a 1080p laptop monitor, and so far, it seems to feel like a waste to use on the internet, what's with content only filling the middle and the left and right sides are ignored. So if you wish for this function to be optional or scalable; I don't see why I shouldn't vote for the wish of someone to be granted.

So, what will you say?
Disagree. I want bigger lines, and bigger hookers too.
Asbeau: Disagree. I want bigger lines, and bigger hookers too.
No No No

We need less talk, more rock!
Yeah, it could be something the user could enable/disable. No prob!